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delilah looked up and around to make sure no one around her was looking before pulling out her phone, tapping on ambers contact.

"plans in action."

delilah cleared her throat, sitting her phone down on her thighs. amber set up this big memorial for wes but it turned into a party when chad pulled out the beer. it was nice of amber to do but she was just doing it to get tara and sam to the house in order to kill them.

amber smiled and greeted people as she walked into the kitchen, where chad was raising a toast for wes. "shots really? this is supposed to be a memorial." she quickly snatched the empty shot out of his hand, setting it on the counter in front of her.

"well, this is how i mourn. and distract myself from the looming specter of death." amber looked over at him like he was stupid. she rolled her eyes as mindy popped up behind her. "hey. we're low on beer." amber nodded a bit before heading to the basement door

"there's more in the basement. i'll go get some." mindy shot her a glare. weird. mindy was incredibly book smart. she knew when something wasn't right and when something was and amber has been acting incredibly weird. amber slipped her phone in her back pocket, flicking the light on in the basement.

but it didn't turn on. she continued to flick it in hopes it did turn on, before letting out a groan she pulled out her phone and turned on the flash. she stepped down the creaky steps of the old house. she turned on one of the other lights by the fridge before opening it, she grabbed most of the beers in there.

when she slammed it, mindy was standing behind her "what the fuck mindy, jesus!" amber yelled at her, she had just gotten the life scared out of her "that was a test. and you failed. never go off on your own when there's a masked killer around!" amber smiled a little bit, "you're the one that said we needed more beer."

"yeah, and you should have asked me to come with you." a smirk crawled onto ambers face, she didn't say a word as mindy looked at her as if she was crazy "you know what else you shouldn't do when there's a masked killer around?"


amber inched closer to her face "follow someone into a dark, creepy basement alone." mindy looked down at her slightly. amber tilted her head at the female who didn't say a word, she just laughed "how do you know i'm not the killer?"

mindy stepped closer to her "because i am." ambers face dropped in realization, she knew it wasn't true but she had to have some sort of reaction. they just stared at each other for a few seconds. "i'm not actually, but let that be a lesson."

"don't. trust. anyone."

"then how can i trust you when you say you're not the killer?" mindy looked at her with seriousness on her face "exactly." amber smirked again. "now let's go back upstairs." amber pushed past her, stopping at the stairs. she glared over at mindy "you first."

"very good." mindy smiled at her. but one mindy had her back towards her, her smile faded. she just stared at her evilly. she had to kill her eventually too. it was for the fans.

delilah unbuckled her seatbelt once they arrived to ambers. she looked at the house in front of hers. it was stu's old house. the place where delilah had grown up. they had planned to bring it all back. to where it all happened.

sam unbuckled her seatbelt "perfect. she's having a party. who has a party in the middle of a killing spree?" sam rolled her eyes as she opened the door to the car "no, no, we're already here. i'll go in quickly and get it. i'll be back in five."

"i'm coming too." both teenagers said in unison, delilah climbed out of the car, helping tara out and grabbing her crutches for her. richie came along too. "yeah no way i'm staying in here to get murdered."

once they walked in, delilah recognized most of these people, she trailed behind tara. they all started raising their glasses and cheering. "you guys made it!"! delilah saw her girlfriend come out from behind the shadows, embracing tara in a hug "what are you doing out of the hospital? should you even be up and around?" amber said to tara, looking over at sam.

she then went to her girlfriends side, her arm wrapping around her waist. she handed delilah  a drink after placing a small kiss on her neck. tara's eyes followed her, she swallowed her jealousy. "i need my spare inhaler."

"why? where are you going?" tara looked back at sam, with eyes that said should i risk my
life and tell her where we are going? sam read them and shook her head, amber just sighed and nodded "right. it's fine, don't tell me. i got it. just be safe okay?" tara sent her a smile as amber turned towards the crowd of students "i think it's in my room."

"okay! everyone! thanks for coming but party's over!" amber yelled, making everyone groan and mumble things to each other "time to go!" sam looked over at richie, he then nodded. "okay alright." he flicked on all of the lights "can we stop the music please! uh hi... gen z, how are you? uhm sam, delilah and tara have all been attacked by the killer at least once or twice. and now they're here which means this place is a huge murder target. if i were you, i would leave."

everyone started groaning again, throwing things at him but that's when he had enough of it "okay, i tried to be nice! get the fuck out." as everyone was leaving, delilah followed tara and amber back to her room.

act three was almost here.

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