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delilah sat up from her spot "are you fucking serious? you think i'm the killer?" delilah scoffed as mindy turned towards her "it makes perfect requel sense." delilah looked up at amber before look back at the rest of them.

"that actually does make a lot of sense." delilah looked over at chad before scoffing again "shut the fuck up." "right sorry." delilah stood up, her hands beside her head, she was defending herself "fuck this. i'm out." delilah followed sam out.

a couple hours later, delilah sat and thought about things. what was she going to do? but she had to get ready for her next kill. wes.. and his mom. delilah ran up to her room and opened her closet, behind all of the piles of clothes was a secret door. that's where she hid the ghostface costume and the voice box that changed the tone in her voice.

as soon as she got the okay from amber, she was ready to become a whole different version of herself. sometimes during the kills, she would feel bad. sometimes even after she'd stop and cry, she felt incredibly bad but she had to get revenge.

sidney fucking prescott killed her brother.

delilah locked the doors to her home, making sure no one was around. once she got to her car, she put the costume in the backseat before sitting in the drivers seat.

"sheriff hicks."

"hello sheriff judy."

"who is this?"

"i think you know. i'm a fan of scary movies. and knives. what's your favorite scary movie?"

"i prefer animated films and musicals. why are you doing this?"

"i'll tell you all about it. i'm calling to turn myself in."

"i think that's a great idea." that's when delilah chuckled inside the voice box.

"we'll sit down at the station, and i'll tell you about the two people i've killed."

"you've only killed one person."

"by the time i see you, i'll have gutted your baby boy."

when she hung up, that had given delilah time to drive to the location, parking only a block away. and since wes was in the shower, he wouldn't have noticed her in the costume. she was hidden on the porch.

"can't get him on the phone, can you? he must be busy."

"how do i know you're anywhere near him?"

"ever seen the movie psycho?"

delilah could hear judy choking on her own tears.

"please.. don't hurt my boy."

"why not?"

"he's a good kid."

"is he now?"

"he'd never hurt anyone."

"that's not enough."

"please. i'll do anything."

delilah chuckled slightly under her mask "you're not gonna make it in time, sheriff judy." delilah then hung up the phone, slipping the voice box into the pocket of her jeans as judy approached the house.

"wes! i'm coming!" delilah heard her yells and once judy got to the first step, she ran out from behind the bushes and drove the knife into the sheriff's stomach. she pushed the sheriff to the ground, removing the knife from her stomach. delilah watched as the sheriff tried to escape, delilah grunted as the sheriff kicked her.

but before delilah could drive the knife into her chest, she stopped it "help!" she yelled, delilah hit the top of the knife with her free hand, making it finally enter her chest. delilah laughed a little, before stabbing the women in the chest as many times as she could.

blood splattered onto the mask, blood ran down the sheriffs mouth. blood was everywhere. yet another, successful kill. she removed the mask, taking a breather "poor wes." delilah grabbed ahold of the sheriffs face, the other checked her pulse. delilah slipped back on the mask before wiping the knife off.

she slowly opened the living room door and hid behind something, somewhere where she couldn't have been seen by wes. "mom?" she heard wes yell, poor wes. his mom was dead. laying outside until she could be found. "mom?" he yelled again before walking towards the door, looking around the living room.

maybe his mom could've came back with the sushi. but instead of looking outside he just shut the door, locking it. delilah had already been standing behind him when he turned around. he let out a yell as delilah slammed him against the door, he tried to reach out and grab his pepper spray but the knife was already facing him, and was inching closer to his neck.

"FUCK! YOU!" wes let out one final yell as delilah drove the knife into his throat, she watched him through the mask, he was growing lifeless. blood began to fall from his mouth. she pushed it farther into his throat, blood splattered onto the mask again as she held the knife in his throat, she tilted her head to the side as she watched wes, who was obviously dead. she pulled the knife from out of his throat, using her other hand to snatch the mask off of her face

"bye bye wes."

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