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delilah stood in shock as tears flooded her eyes, all these years she thought her brother was dead, but it was all a lie.

"i bet you're wondering how i'm alive." stu chuckled as he stepped into the kitchen "i don't know how i'm alive either. it was honestly such a shock when i woke up in a hospital room. after that they transferred me to wherever. can't remember but hey. gotta make sure the job is done." stu was interrupted when amber began to yell

"richie! i can't find her!" sam looked up at delilah, who's attention was still on stu "i untied her. guess you're not as persuasive as you thought." delilah turned the gun towards sam "you fucking bitch!" she charged at sam, who quickly pushed her to the side. "stop messing up the movie!" delilah charged back at her, climbing on top of her as the gun was being held to her head. "do you wanna fucking die sam?! because you sure as hell are pushing my fucking buttons."

that's when the phone began to ring, delilah got up from off top of sam and walked to richies side. "who is fuck is that?" delilah's breathe grew heavy, richie just sighed "that's for you." richie chuckled "yeah like your gimpy little sisters gonna make a difference. she's our fucking pincushion at this point. amber! fan out. she couldn't have gotten far!"

"i can't find her!" was all delilah heard before also hearing a faint yell "amber! hey i'm coming." once she got to the scene, amber was on the floor and was getting hit by tara's crutch "you fucking cunt! i'm gonna kill you!" she yelled at her before grabbing ahold of the crutch in tara's hands. "you've always been jealous of me and amber? haven't you? you jealous little bit—" delilah was cut off when tara had whacked her in the nose with her crutch.

"ow!" tears filled her eyes as she held her nose, which had now been bleeding.

"amber?" richie yelled, sam charged towards him and grabbed his gun, pushing him to the floor. she caught to get it out of his hand but he was now on top of her, but yelped in pain when sam had bitten his arm. stu grabbed onto sam, trying to hold her back but she had bitten him too. "hey! richie get the fuck up!"

amber snatched the crutch from tara, kicking her in her leg that delilah had broken in the first attack. she then pushed her against the wall, and then to another before throwing her over the couch. delilah wiped at her nose, seeing amber run towards her "baby. you good." she just nodded, before they both started hurrying into the kitchen "sam! where the fuck did you go! your big scenes coming up!"

both amber and delilah walked into the kitchen, expecting to see richie and stu but no one was to be found. sidney grabbed amber by her arm, pushing her onto the floor. delilah dropped her gun because amber had bumped into her when she was pulled to the ground. "wow sid! such a fighter aren't you?" delilah grabbed her by hair but was also pulled to the floor with amber. amber stood up and grabbed the knife off of the counter "i'm gonna kill you!"

delilah stood up, her strength was giving out but pushed gale off of amber, but it had already been too late. sidney smashed a hand sanitizer bottle onto delilah's girlfriends face "fucking hand sanitizer?" sidney grabbed onto her feet as gale grabbed onto her arms, they pushed her across the counters making her hit her head on the counters as cups were knocked onto the floor. "let go of my girlfriend you fuck!" delilah grabbed the knife that was now on the floor, but sidney had grabbed her by her hair and pushed her next to amber.

"no no no! it's not my fault! it's not my fault!" delilah nodded slightly as she looked back at the adults in front of her "she's right!"

"let me guess the movies made you do it?l

"no! it was the message boards, i was radicalized!" delilah nodded in agreement as she scrambled to get on her feet, amber did the same. "by movie fans?"

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