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delilah let out a gasp, richie grabbed onto sams hand as he pulled her "run!" amber shot again but missed because tara fought back for the gun. delilah followed sam and richie, grabbing ahold of a knife that was sitting on the counter. "you son of a fucking bitch!" delilah yelled at her girlfriend, charging towards her but she was pushed by tara "run delilah! run!"

delilah shook her head at her but tara yelled at her again "run!" delilah groaned as she ran upstairs, hiding in one of the rooms where the costume for her reveal was sitting. she smirked as she grabbed ahold of the mask "time for revenge."

gale and sidney stood outside the house, listening to the screams coming from inside. "sounds about right." sid handed the gun to gale, both females looked at each other "you ready?"

"for this? never."

"but, here we go." both adults began to walk into the yard, but amber opened the door her arms clutched onto her stomach, she began to scream as sidney and gale stopped in their tracks "help me! help me!" she grabbed onto the rail on the porch "help me! he stabbed me!"

sidney wasn't believing it. neither was gale "what do you think?" gale shook her head as her eyes were still on amber. amber sighed as she pulled out her gun again "fuck it." she shot at gale, shooting her in her hip, sidney fired back as gale fell to the floor.

"gale, gale!" sidney hurried to her side, gale placed her hand on her wound to try and stop the bleeding. "let me see, let me see." sidney examined the wound "we need to get you to the hospital."

but they had to stop this. for the final time.

"we're gonna finish this. go finish it sidney."


"for dewey."

sidney took one last look at gale before looking at the house she once was in before where her boyfriend and delilah's brother attempted to kill her. she closed the door behind her. she checked everywhere around the house incase the killer was lurking. "anyone hiding, killer or not, you have 5 seconds to show yourself." she walked towards the basement door and shot at it, kicking it open shortly after.

but no one was down there. that's when she heard a thud upstairs, so, she went to check on it. that's when her phone started buzzing. it was delilah's turn to speak to her. get her revenge on the person who killed her brother.

"hello, sidney."

"hello there. where'd you go?"

"oh, this isn't amber. i'm one of the other ones."

"oh. there's three of you this time? i've seen this movie before."

"not this movie, sidney."

"you really need some new material."

she shot at a door before going up another flight of steps.

"i got you here. didn't i?"

"you might actually be the most driven of all of them.  i mean, jesus christ the same house."

she shot at another door, finally getting to the second level of the house.

"you must've forgotten the rules of a stab movie. never answer the.."

"i'm bored." she hung up as a wait was heard on the other line, that's when she shot at the door in front of her, richie screamed from inside. she threw the door open and richie immediately put his hands up "put your hands up!"

"what are you doing in here!" "i-i was hiding from murderers." "i told you to come out!"

"i'm not gonna come out."

that's when delilah popped out of a room next to sidney, trying to stab her but she was immediately pushed against the door.

"holy shit it's ghostface!"

delilah tried her best to fight sidney back, but was pushed over the rail, landing on her back. she groaned out in pain under the mask, sidney landed right after her. she continued to groan in pain as she pushed herself up, trying to reach for the gun.

"richie! gun! get the gun." delilah couldn't reach the gun in time "yeah, kinda hard cuz you shot me in the leg." as richie limped down the steps, sam picked up the gun before delilah had gotten it.

"yes.. yes!" richie yelled out, picking up his pace as he tried to get down the steps in time. "thank god you're okay." sam tried to push him behind her to protect her but he took the knife he had in his hands, stabbing her in her side. that's when it hit her. realization. her own boyfriend was the killer.

"because i really... really wanted to be the one to kill you." richie snatched the gun away from her as he pointed it towards sidney, who tried to get up but was pushed down again by amber. "sit the fuck down prescott!" richie twisted the knife that was now in his girlfriends side, she moaned out in pain as delilah stood to her feet. delilah snatched the mask off of her face, gasping as she grabbed the gun from richie.

she grabbed sid by her hair, pointing the gun to her head. "surprise! i bet you weren't expecting me." delilah let out a giggle, richie slowly pulled out tara's spare inhaler from his pocket. "i can't believe this worked." he laughed a tiny bit as delilah tugged sidney by her hair again. he threw the gun behind him "it's a bummer it's me, i know." he pulled out the voice box that he used when he called people. even though delilah and amber did all of the work.

"but it really was the best choice for the movie." he began to laugh, a hint of crazy in it. he was a sucker for horror movies. he would do anything, really. "this isn't a fucking movie!" sam shouted in his face, he dropped the voice box next to his feet "no. but it will be. that's the point, right delilah?"

delilah chuckled a little bit, pulling sidney up by her hair "right! third act, bloodbath. check. killers revealed, check! time for the big finale!" delilah yanked her hair again as she watched amber, who looked proud. richie just laughed, sam looked at him with pleading eyes "richie." she whispered before he had yanked the knife out of her side.

"let's get them into the kitchen!" delilah pushed sidney into the kitchen, richie following behind her "let's go bitch!"

delilah was finally getting what she wanted.

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