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it was later that night when delilah finally decided to go to bed. she had texted amber goodnight before putting on her pjs. she stepped into her bathroom and looked at the reflection staring back at her.

"god. delilah, you look terrible." eye bags formed under her eyes, she just overall felt terrible. she opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out her meds. they helped her sleep better at night.

"delilah." someone called her name but she was... home alone? let's get this clear, delilah was a lot like sam, she saw visions of her own dead brother. but it was rare so that's why they put her on these types of meds.

"god stu, you can't keep doing that." delilah looked at the reflection of her dead brother staring back at her, he had this creepy smirk on his face, she sniffled as she splashed a little water on her face "why can't i just pay you a little visit?" she laughed a little before putting her meds back in the cabinet.

"you should've thought about that before you went psycho and started killing people for fun." delilah stared into her brothers eyes, his face dropped "what do you mean?" "i mean you would've been a way better brother."

"don't act like you aren't following in my footsteps, you know it, your friends know it, even mom knows it. you're gonna end up just like me." delilah stared at him once again, her eyes became glossy "you don't mean that..."

"i see everything." delilah spun around to be met with nothing. stu wasn't there. it was just her imagination. "god dammit." she yelled, her hands ran through her hair as she walked out of her bathroom. she was going crazy.

that's when the phone began to ring. she walked down to the main floor of her house and stared at the movie that was playing on the tv. it was stab. "god how many horrible movies can they make about this." she sighed before stepping into her kitchen, picking up the phone.

"hello?" delilah spoke to the person on the other line, kind of aggressive. "well, a big hello to my final girl." delilah snickered a tiny bit before walking back into the living room.

"final girl? you mean the girl in those stupid horror movies who last until the very end?" the person on the other line chuckled as delilah sat criss cross on the couch, sitting her bowl of grapes on her lap "yeah! kind of like sidney prescott.. who killed your brother. i bet your remember that don't you.. delilah."

delilah brought the phone away from her ear in realization "okay who the fuck are you?" she spat into the phone, looking around the living room, making sure her windows and doors were locked.

"that's something you should find out for yourself." and with that, the line went dead, nothing but static was heard.

"well fuck."

the next day mindy brought the friend group together, apparently she needed to tell everyone something. delilah sat on the floor next to ambers chair. usually they would be making out somewhere but today was different. "randy was our uncle. R.I.P." mindy blew a kiss to her uncles picture before. mindy's mom walked in with a tray of snacks for everyone.

"i asked mindy to bring everyone here because.." sam paused to look back at richie for a second before turning back towards the group of friends. "there's something i have to tell you."

after watching 'the true story' of Stab. delilah was shocked. sam was the daughter of billy loomis. and delilah was the sister of stu macher. great. "so let me get this straight, you're the daughter of billy loomis and that one of us is the killer?" chad asked sam and she just nodded. "the killer told me he knew my secret."

delilah looked up at amber and swallowed the lump in her throat "he attacked tara to lure me back here." "well then why immediately go murder some douche that was stalking liv?"

"why does it have to be one of us? why not deputy dewey here? maybe he's the killer. no offense." wes said to everyone as dewey shook his head as he sat forward "none taken but what's my motive?"

"you got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by your famous wife and crawled into a bottle i think it's safe to say you're on the suspect list." dewey let out a sigh as he looked over at wes "well maybe you're the killer. because that cut deep." dewey sat back in his seat as wes' face grew in confusion.

"that douche is connected. i googled him and.." amber looked down at delilah "i am stu macher's sister." liv sat up and looked over at delilah "who's stu macher?"

"my brother who was murdered by sidney prescott, he is billy loomis' accomplice. he was a real... looney tune." sam sat back a little "okay so the first three attacks are people related to the original killers." mindy gasped making everyone look over at her.

"oh my god... he's making a requel!" everyone looked at the girl in confusion "what in the world is a requel?"

"or uh.. like a sequel fans are torn on the terminology." chad let out a groan "please speak english." mindy got up from her seat "so you know the stab movie that came out last year." liv nodded "oh yeah! the one where that.. uh one guy directed right? i actually really liked that one." 

"of course you do, you have horrible taste." "i hate you." "the point is the hardcore stab fans HATED it.  all there talking about it is how stab 8 pissed on their childhood." amber shrugged "what's wrong with elevated horror?"

"but that's not stab. real stab movies are like.. who done its. it was just a terrible movie." sam sighed "cmon it was just a movie."

"not. to some people the original is their favorite thing in the world. the movie that made them love horror. and god help anyone who fucks with that special memory." mindy stood up and looked at everyone.

"it sounds like our killer is writing his own version of stab 8 but doing it as a requel." delilah shrugged "maybe that is the case but it could be somebody playing sick jokes on people. or somebody trying to get revenge." delilah looked over at sam, "now. what is a requel?"

"see you can't just reboot a franchise from scratch anymore. the fans won't stand for it. black christmas, childs play... that shit doesn't work. but you can't just do a straight sequel either.. you have to think of something new but not too new or the internet goes batshit crazy. it has to have an ongoing storyline. even if the story shouldn't have an ongoing in the first place. new main characters, yes. supported by, related to. legacy characters, not a reboot. not a sequel. a requel. it always goes back to the original."

sam looked up at mindy while delilah had to process everything she had just said "are you telling me that i'm caught in the middle of fan fucking fiction?" mindy sighed "not.. just in the middle sam.." mindy leaned down in front of sam "you're the star." sam didn't say anything but was interrupted by liv

"so not to interrupt but according to.. requel rules.." liv let out a sigh before continuing "who's next?" mindy clicked her tongue as she now stood in front of everyone.

"well. whoever is next.. has to be connected with the before." either everyone looked at sam or delilah. "but i think it is very clear who our killer is at this point." sam looked over at mindy again "who?"

"you. and delilah."

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