Twisted Truths

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Innocence lost and ground
to dust when a judge
deems you capable of
hurting the small and weak.
When he brands you with a
detestable and lasting label
he unknowingly gives
a way for you to prove you're
worthy of a second chance.

Too many new faces that
could know my shame.
Too many chances
to stain my reputation.
Too much for me to handle
when I was protected from
the harsh reality.
Too late for me to
reclaim my life?

There is almost no
reason for me to desire
closeness from others.
They will forget me,
get what they want from me,
tolerate me for a
predetermined amount of time,
and move on to one already
connected by bloodlines
and timelines.

High school never ends.
I am still that wallflower
sitting alone in the back row
stopping myself from
making new friends.

I am afraid that I hate everyone
and nothing makes sense to me.

I think I'm too lost and
hopeless for anyone to gift me
a chance.
Let alone their trust.

There is so much of my
heart to fix.
The worst self-fulfilling
I fear it will take too long.

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