Current Day: Part I

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Today's the day. Final exam of my 9th grade. 

Myself Robert Wilson, In a few hours I'll be a 10th grader. I got ready for school, packed my back. Got into the bus with my twin bro Gregory Wilson, well we reached school, wrote the exam, it was bio in which I totally suck, well my bro sure had it easy there cause he aces in bio and chem. In physics we are bonded by brotherhood, we both SUCK at it. 

Now that the test got over, we were waiting for our teacher to announce how we were being split for the new classes. Talking about splitting, in the start of 9th grade me and all my (only)friends were split not only that but for the first time in 14 years of my life me and my bro were about to be split into different classes. No way I'd let that happen, we both didn't want that that so we kind of had to beg our father to let us remain in one class. Lucky for us ,the floor head accepted and let us remain in the same class.

For 10th this time me ,my bro plus this time my bud Shane was also in the same class. I also reunited with my 8th grade buddies Karter and Nasir. Karter here is very proactive, well not as much as my childhood friend from nursery Christy, who now is pretty popular in school and still cant differentiate between me and my bro who is who. Karter ,whom I met for the first time in 7th can do that.

My bro was the first to introduce me to Karter in 7th grade ,I was lazing away my day like always ,Greg came and introduced Karter and Patrick to me. Patrick is also a good friend of mine, he has a small and frail body and also he's the shortest among all my buds. They were playing Pokemon using pens ,I didn't even get what they meant by it then. Greg told it was fun so I tried it.

The game went like this, there will be one gym master and the others will challenge the gym masters to gain Pokemons USING PENS, oh sorry "writing devices". It was a hilarious joke, ever since one guy told 'pen' sounds similar to 'pen**' everyone stopped using that term and "writing device" is what it was called. Once during a test my pen stopped working so I raised my hand to ask permission for an extra pen. 

"Ma'am can I borrow an extra writing device"

The teacher was clueless about this term so she asked again 

"What do you want?"

I decided to give up cause I'm scared of angering the teachers so I gave out a deep breath and said

"Ma'am I want to borrow a pen."

The whole class burst out in laughter, you an pretty much guess how they teased me. It went on like that for a week till a new topic came out. Now coming back to POKEMON.

Half a year went by and it felt like I had known them both forever. One funny moment is when one day Karter told Patrick that for that day he has a chance to get Mew-Two who is supposedly the strongest psychic Pokemon. 

Usually we just put two pens on opposite sides of table and flick them turn by turn till one remains, and when you beat the gym masters pen you shout "Poke ball" to capture it. Patrick  was so close to beat Karter.

"Haha! Karter. Accept your defeat. The mighty Patrick has Vanquished you."

"Yup! Karter is definitely done for." I told myself.

 But Karter pulled a dirty move.

 "Psychic attack!" said Karter as he lifted Patrick's pen and threw it aside.

"Okay wait!......... What in the name of God did you just do?"

"Yeah Karter, explain yourself." 

I asked that to Karter cause whatever 'Psychic attack' or whatever bullshit he called it,  it was never known to us at all then.

"What? This is Mew-two The one and only, strongest psychic pokemon of all times and you expect me, the Gym master to go easy on him. Hell no!" replied Karter with a sneer.  

He then declared that Patrick lost. 

"What is with you? Just cause you are the gym master you think you can make your own rules, huh! Say something Wilson bros." blurted out Patrick.

"Well....since its what the gym master said, we shall obey." replied me and Greg cause we didn't want to have any say in this childish matter.

"See. Both of them get the matter, so you also accept the fact that you lost and just continue with the game. You'll get another chance to get Mew-Two again so cheer up. Next! Who wants to challenge me, the gym master now." exclaimed the 'Gym Master'.

"Enough is Enough! I'm done with this crappy game of yours. I'm out!" said Patrick with a totally depressed look on his face.

Well after that, Patrick didn't talk to Karter for four days ,till Karter told him that he had changed some rules and made it fair by saying psychic attack means you would have two flick chances.

"See, this is the new rule now. Now we can play fair. What do you say Patrick?"

"Fine then! If you make up a rule once more during a match again last time, I'll definitely smash your face." replied Patrick while trying to hold his smirk.

After that he came back to the game and we all did continue with the new rule, also Patrick never got Mew-Two even with the new rule since Karter's pen was slightly heavier that Patrick's ball point pen. But he still continued ,as the new rule was very simple and if he thought properly he might beat Karter, was his mindset. 

Now it has been 3 years since I met both of them. Can't forget about Nasir, I met him one year later after 7th, At first he was a sad looking kid who sat in the back, lonely so we invited him to our group. He started talking to us slowly and in no time he became one of my buds.  

We were leaving our old classroom, 9th C. Man, we were all pretty emotional. I had to part ways with Patrick, Adam, Stanley and Alexander. 

"Lets still meet up during the lunch breaks okay." said Alexander while sniffling.

"Yes! For sure. Its a Promise" 

We all agreed to it and finally parted after giving out our handshakes.   

After we entered our new classes our new class teacher, Miss Anne who was our language teacher back in 9th grade.

 She introduced herself to us all and told us not to fret over introducing ourselves cause she pretty much knew every single student of that class. 

She gave us a talk about the 'Toughness' of 10th grade portions and how we must take this year 'very seriously.' That's all the introduction class was and when the bell for the lunch break rang she told us that we could leave, since it was a half-day.

I packed my bag, had a talk with Shane and Nasir. Grabbed a bunch of 'Gone Mad's' choco sticks which Shane was distributing as he always did it at the end of every term. I stuffed them in my pocket and was just about to rush downstairs.

"At last Summer vacations!",  is what we thought.

Miss Anne asked us to wait and take a seat as she had to tell the school's new announcement.

School announcement: All high school students will have two weeks of special classes starting from day after tomorrow. 


-to be continued.

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