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Summer holidays did begin so it means no more school. Since my family doesn't go out much other than on the weekends, I was stuck at my home most of the time. 

As I had nothing better to do at home, me and my bro decided to call all my friends in the locality to decide what to do during the holidays. We were the eldest among our friends in the locality and most were elementary and middle school kids. 

So we went to Andre's house, my neighbour to call him out. We stood outside his house and yelled.

"Hey Andre come outside!" 

There was a reason why we didn't enter inside. And that was because of his granny. She was a very ill tempered woman. No one in our locality had the guts to call him out by entering his house.

"What is it, who do you want?" said his gran as she opened the door.

"Good luck!" I whispered to my bro as I pushed him forward and pretended that I heard nothing.

" Andre ho....home?", somehow Greg managed to ask her. 

"Yes! He is inside, must be in his room still. Go call him yourself" replied the gran in a grumpy tone. At least she replied today, usually she grunts and looked at us in a way that said that we didn't belong here.

"Okay, thanks for letting us in."

As we entered his house for the first time, we saw that the stairs leading to his room were barricaded with chairs. We climbed over it and headed to his room. Andre was a one year younger than us but his attitude makes it seem like he was older than me. 

As we entered his room we could see him lying on his bed and watching some Anime in the pc.

"Hey! We kept calling you from outside, couldn't hear us or what."

"Umm...I did think that you guys called me, but then I thought you didn't"

"What nonsense are you blabbering."

"Well whatever, I'll meet you at the ground. Also I'll be getting the ball"

"Okay so football it is, I'll call the rest of them also" I said as I left his place.

We gathered at the park. There were eight in total. Me, Greg, Andre, Scot, Sullivan, Rowan, Aiden, Stefan. Scot and Sullivan were brothers and Scot was of the same age as me and Greg. Rest all except Andre were middle school kids.

During the vacations this is all I and Greg could do as a mode of entertainment. "Play outside" is all my mom says during the holidays. We do usually go for some 3-4 day trip to some resorts during summer, though this time I'm not sure about it.

We decided our teams and played soccer. We used bricks to mark the goal post and since our ground was small there was no corner kicks instead we made it a throw in.

Before we knew it the time went by. It struck 7pm and it was dark already. We called it a day and packed up to go back home. As we were headed home we noticed few dogs staring at us.

"Hey! They are looking at us bro, imma gonna run now if they come closer" Rowan whispered as he feared dogs.

It's not like I wasn't scared or anything, I don't mind these stray dogs but I despise the ones at Roy and Ronald's place. Both the brothers used to hang out with us back when I was in middle school. 

Their house was in another street but under the same locality. Because of one incident during my middle school summer holidays I took an oath that I'd never go to their area ever again.

 Plus the reason as to why Rowan was scared of dogs is also the reason I despise those dogs cause he was also present during that incident. 

He was in elementary back then ,while I was in middle school. We all had gone to Roy's place to play tag cause his place was perfect for it as there were plenty of houses in that street.

 Everything about that street was fine ,except for the fact that it was the only street with a group of crazy stray dogs.

Usually they just bark at us scare us off but on that day I just took my cycle to a side to park it. It seemed like it was the worst luck for me cause stood in front of me the ferocious 'Mother Dog.' (We all called the head of that street's dog by this for some reason)

It started barking at me non-stop and the other dogs also started approaching towards me. I said my prayers cause I was 100% sure that I was a goner.

"What are you doing, get away from there!" Yelled Greg.

Well I didn't want to meet my maker yet so I stepped on the pedal and rode off.  The mother dog kept on barking and also started chasing me, as I went a bit further I noticed that every single dog in that street was chasing me. There were about ten to fifteen of them.

"Gooood! Save me" I cried as I rode full speed trying to get out of that street. Those dogs were literally going for my legs so I lifted them up and rode without pedaling for a few distance.

After I crossed the street those crazy dogs gave up on chasing me and rushed back. I was pretty sure they were going back for the rest of my friends so I went home slowly.

"Rest in peace Greg!" I said to myself as I headed back home exhausted.

Luckily Greg did come back in one piece after thirty minutes and I heard about what had happened while I escaped death. 

He told that, as I had dragged all the dogs with me while trying to escape they started celebrating and praising me for taking those dogs away. Little did that know that those crazy dogs were coming back for them.

They had the shock of their life on noticing that every single dog were rushing towards them. Rowan and Greg had to climb up the gate of Roy's house as that bastard quickly shut the gate on seeing those dogs.

"Hey fool! Idiot! Bastard! Open the gate quickly!"

"NOPE! No way, those dogs are right in front of the gate"

Rowan was in tears as Roy didn't open the gate plus the dogs kept barking and never left from the front of Roy's house. Eventually Roy's mom came and shooed off the dogs when she had noticed that Rowan was crying while he and Greg were trying to get inside by climbing the gate.

From that day till now Rowan seems to be scared of dogs. I never went back to that street after that incident eventhough Roy told that the dog catchers took all of them away.

We reached home, freshened ourselves up and sat on the sofa to watch the television. My little brother Alec came and sat on my lap on seeing that the T.V was on. 

Alec is my younger brother after Greg, he's three years old now. I'm older to Greg by ten minutes so that makes me the eldest brother in my family.

I put on an Anime in the T.V cause that was the only thing we all could agree on. Alec seemed to sit still when we put any animated videos and it was the same with Animes. Else he'd throw a tantrum and it'd be impossible to watch any movie.

To be continued - Break Time

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