Hot Wheelz

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Cedric is what you'd call a cocky rich guy. He'd go to any extent to show off. He'd even flaunt his Calvin Klein boxers to us to show the difference in status between us. 

Once he saw that most of the boys were into collecting rare hot-wheels toys, he also wanted to collect so that he could boast about it. Later he realized he stood no chance at Rayden as he had almost every single one.

Cedric did his best to compete by buying multiple hot-wheels and is still competing so that one day he could beat Rayden. We did mock them for playing with kids toys but they'd always reply "We don't play with them, we just collect them by not taking them out of the box."

"Then what's the point of buying it if you aren't gonna take it out, I would have died to play with those during middle school.", I thought to myself.

I didn't want to waste my breath anymore so I gave up on questioning them. Rayden was actually 'TOO' serious in collecting these toys. One morning he showed a certain vintage looking car and started gloating about it. 

"Look at this guys, It was the last one in the shop. Thank god I found it. Look. Look. See the design. It's awesome right!", said Rayden with a manly look on his face with a toy car in his hand.

He'd keep on going about it like that while we all look at him like we were interested it the nonsense he was spouting about

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He'd keep on going about it like that while we all look at him like we were interested it the nonsense he was spouting about. Me and Alexander decided to pull one prank at him that day so I asked Alexander to distract Rayden.

"Yo! Rayden, yesterday you showed me one white-red lamborghini right. What was the models name?"

"Oh! That one was a Centenario, it looked cool right, I got that in a lucky pack......"

Well as Alexander got his attention I quietly flicked the vintage car he was boasting about before and handed it to Aaron who later put it in Alexander's bag. Rayden seemed to have noticed nothing. We reached school and the day went on like normal. Time went in the speed of a snail as it was a Thursday, the day with no free periods or any fun class like Arts & crafts, PE or Library class. 

As the day got over,, I headed to Alexander's class.

"Hey Alex. You still have the car right?"                                                                                                                

"Yeah! Don't worry it's still there inside my bag"

"We have to return to him today itself or else god knows what he would do if he somehow found out that we flicked it before we returned it" I told Alex because Rayden may be kind and nice to us as we were friends. 

He was 7 feet tall with a build of a wrestler so I wanted to avoid the chance of being mugged by him as we all once witnessed what he did to a junior who made fun of his brother Rick last year.

His brother Rick who in the same grade as Austin, was kind of overweight and had a round chubby face and also had a complex about it. Joe who was one year younger than me would always mock him by calling him "Fatty!" or "Baboon!" 

Rayden tried his best not to get involved in the petty fights of middle schoolers. 

But one day as Joe got up to get off the bus, he crossed the limit by mocking Rick by saying "Your such a fatty! just like"

Joe said that as nothing else came in his mind to mock Rick. But he should have wished that he had kept his mouth shut, because stood in front of him a 7 feet muscular 9th grader who had a good grip on the his shirt's collar. 

Rayden dragged him to the door of the bus and literally kicked him out of the bus. Joe tried to enter in again to get revenge but Rayden managed to kick him out again.  

Joe's mother stood and witnessed the whole thing so she questioned Rayden as to why he did that. Joe stood there with a shoe print on his face and chest while Rayden explained the whole situation to Joe's mother.

She did make Joe apologize for what he but also asked Rayden to apologize too as he went too far to punish Joe. The driver started the bus once again after Rayden apologized to Joe. Luckily Joe's mother didn't complain to the school of how a kid beat her child. After that day no one dared to mock Rick.

Remembering this I wanted to quickly return that toy to Rayden before I get a foot print on my face. We entered the bus and saw Rayden looking pissed off so I pushed Alexander forward and hid behind him.

"So when are you going to return what you stole?" Rayden spoke out in a rough tone.

I could see Aaron smirking at us from the back. That traitor had already spilled the beans to Rayden. We both took the box out and handed it to him and were ready to face the consequences.

"Luckily there is no scratch or dirt on this so I'll forgive you for now, but if you do this again..."

"You don't need to say anything, we know what you would do. We'll never do this again so, Peace!." Alexander spoke out and we quickly took our seat and gave a sigh of relief.

Aaron looked at us said "It's not my fault okay. When I came to the bus Rayden here was searching every nook and corner of the bus and looked like he would cry so I told him that you both flicked it in the morning and it's safe."

"You should have seen his joyful face when he found out that it he didn't loose it." Aaron said with a grin on his face.

"Shut up bro! It wasn't like that", spoke Rayden with an embarrassed look on his face.

Well things went okay after that and the bus took off to drop us all home.

 End of chapter: Hot Wheelz                                                                                                                                       next chapter: Patrick's Lie 

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