{4}: "Memories"

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The Grand Palace of Syspocalypstar was quiet. Only the sound of the harsh wind outside of the windows could be heard. It echoed throughout the dark and dreary halls.

The once lively atmosphere now mimicked that of a ghost town. Every light was broken, and every tapestry was torn all the way down.

Thunder and lightning crackled outside, as the soft sound of rain finally started, covering Syspocalypstar in a strangely fitting weather phenomenon.

The broken window in the entrance hall let in water, which slightly drizzled on the one and only, Rex Dangervest. The Prince and Defender of Stardust, and Syspocalypstar.

The kingdom that he grew to see as his home.

He lay on the hard floor, unconscious, and slightly injured. He had a noticeable large cut on his upper right  arm muscle that dripped some blood as it got wet.

With the sound of another sharp thunderbolt, he finally started to stir. As the wind grew louder, and colder, he groaned quietly.

"Ah. Ow. What?"

He turned his body slightly, and he wiped off the rainwater from his skin as he finally opened his eyes.

His vision focused on what was around him, and he took time to process it. Watevra's palace was completely destroyed, and bricks were scattered throughout.

There were clear signs of chaos.

His expression shifted to one of confusion.


He pushed himself up into a seated position, and rubbed his temple. The wind passed by the nearby window, and moved his dark brown hair. Through the silence, he spoke.

"What...the heck happened?" He questioned, "Ah. Shoot. My head is pounding."

He shuffled against the broken glass on the floor, as he finally stood up. He was dizzy for only a moment, but quickly shook the feeling off.

His body was sore, and he touched the injury on his arm. He sighed, and looked around once again.

"Seriously, what the-?! Why don't I remember getting here?!" He paused, "Wait...is this that Systarian Queen's palace? Whatever-her-face."

Rex recognized the structure by its signature color scheme, and the stray pieces of glitter. An eeriness filled the air. Something was amiss. He just didn't know what.

"This place got destroyed. At least I think it did. What happened to Armamageddon?"

That last word echoed sinisterly throughout the palace hallways. Armamageddon. It was the event that changed the universe forever, and everyone knew of it.

"...I don't know what happened. Last thing I remember is Emmet, at the ceremony, and then...ugh, it's all blank!"

Suddenly, through the silence, he heard a quiet, soft groan.

He directed his gaze towards it, and his eyes widened when he noticed a silhouette in the shadows of the room.

He realized that he wasn't alone.

The Prince was extremely cautious of the situation, and didn't want to take any risks. He reached for the laser gun attached to his belt, and grabbed it firmly, holding it in his hands as he approached the other person in the room.

As he stepped up to her, he saw her clearly.

Marie lay on the floor, slowly starting to wake up from her own state of unconsciousness. Her long, beautiful hair was spread gracefully over the floor.

LEGO Movie: "Love Conquers All" (Rex Dangervest X OC Adventures)Where stories live. Discover now