Chapter 2

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I want to dedicate this overly long chapter to @noodle69 !! Thank you for being my very first comment on my story :D <3 !!!! You guys don't know how much of a simple comment means to me x} To giving me some feed back is highly needed ^-^ or just a simple vote will make me happy \(^o^)/ enjoy :* !!!


"New York?! Dad is letting you go all the way to New York?!" said Aurora, standing on the edge of the the shopping cart.

"I've been to further places you know," Edgar retorted, pushing the cart threw the grocery store.

Their parents asked them to go grocery shopping today. Aurora went with him considering he's more fun to be around. Being on summer vacation there wasn't much to do in a town were she doesn't know much people. So she usually tags along with him when he does airons.

"But this is New York City! Where it's known for those amazing high buildings, and busy streets," she went on, can't believe her bother is going off for two weeks to the one place she always wanted to go.

He shrugged, "Dad has enough business work as it is at home, I'm just helping out. To get use to it," throwing a bag of brown rice in the cart.

Since Edgar turned twenty their dad began to let him go on business trips for the past two years, so this wasn't a big deal to him. He started working for their dad at the age of eighteen, and continued ever since.

She let's out a pout, "But for two weeks?! Why do you get to have all the fun?"

He lets out a chuckle, "Cause your our lil Fae," he cooed, patting her head.

Aurora slapped his hand away, "Stop that, I'm serious!"

"I can tell by them red hamster cheeks of yours," he teased, opening the freezer to take out a carton a of milk.

"Bite me Edgar," chucking a wrapped lettuce at him.

He just laughed, "So what are you saying? You would want to come along?" looking at the shopping list.

Aurora jumped off of the edge of the cart to make him stop pushing it.

He blinked and looked at her, "What?"

She just gave him this pleading look, with her blue big eyes.

Edgar finally caught on, "No," pointing down at her with the shopping list.

She kept her pout, not backing down, "But Edgar..." batting her long curl lashes.

He lets out a moan, "Aurora come on," hating when she does that, "Do you really think dad will let you go?"

"You could ask," still keeping the pout.

He just lets out a laugh, "Do you want me die? Why on earth would I do that?"

"Cause your my big bother, and I just love you so," she answered in a baby voice, starting to tremble her bottom lip.

Edgar lets out a deep sigh, rubbing his neck. He knows how trapped she is when it comes to their dad, how territorial he is with her. Never really seeing whats really out there, being in this small bubble.

He finally looks at her, "You really want to go?"

She nodded quickly, "I do,"

He lets out a loud huff, "God fine, fine I'll talk to him," giving in.

Aurora lets out this huge smile, wrapping her arms around his torso, "Really?! You really will ask him?"

He rolled his eyes, "Yes, I'll see what I can do,"

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