Chapter 4

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Aurora felt her blood drain from her face, slowly met eyes with those orange hungry ones, "Y-you.." she gasped in fear, panic ran threw her.

He lets out a cold chuckle sending chills down her back, "My my my..." analyzing her up and down, "I forgot how beautiful you are up close," taking a step closer.

She quickly took a step back, letting out a scared whimper, her whole body was shaking. She felt the walls being closed up around her in the hallway they were in. Deeply wanted to run, but she was like a deer in front of headlights.

He cocked his head to the side, "I can smell your fear darlin," leaning in close to her, making her back into the wall helplessly, he too "Amongst other things..." sounded like a tempted hiss from his chest.

"Pl-please," she pleaded, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Please," he mocked, "Hearing pleading is music to my ears love," making her feel weak, "The way you stir the human kind by your beauty," he chuckled with no humor, "Couldn't help but notice how those gentlemen tried to make you theirs," she felt her heart drop," Your innocents is what this pathetic earth craves. But being a Fae," making her look at him with wide eyes, "There are other things who would want to make you theirs..." his eyes began to turn deep red, as if blood was stiring inside of them.

She felt like throwing up, or passing out. Her inner fae was cowering deep inside her.

"I scents something else in you.." taking of his glove with each finger at a time, "Something more pure.." revealing his claw like fingers, they didn't look real, making Aurora stare at them in fear, "Something...rare.." about to touch her with his cold stone hand.

He mustn't know! her inner fae cried out.

Aurora was about to let out a scream, until she felt her back being slammed against a brick wall, these warm arms wrapped around her protectively. She lets out a gasp, realizing it Xavier holding her to him closely, and Clark in front of her. Face to face with the cold pale stranger.

Without thinking she grips onto Xavier's arms tight, as if he was her only sanctuary. Helpless relief tears pore down her cheeks.

"Not her Pitch," Clark growled lowly, trying to not cause a scene, luckily it was a dim lighted restaurant, "Not her..." his back getting tensed up.

Aurora felt freaked out now knowing the pale ones name, and the fact he knew him. All though her eyes were fogged up from her tears she could see though red eyes.

"Oh?" Pitch taunted, raising a eyebrow.

Clark grabbing him by his collar shirt, his eyes turning pitch black, teeth turning into sharp knives, "Your not gonna make one fucking penny out of her!" his growls sounded like death threats.

Pitch just looked at him.

She lets out a crying hiccup, looking around the restaurant and notice red eyes scattered around, looking at them dangerously. At least twenty of them.

Xavier seem to notice as well, slowly picked her up in his arms, making Pitch snap his eyes at them, "Guarded by such big doggies," he taunted, making Xavier growl, holding her to his chest, "Makes me wonder..." looking at her, "how special is this little fae..?"

Aurora just closed her eyes tight, trying to block out his voice, holding in her cries.

"That's none of your business Pitch!" shoving him away.

He just started to smooth out his shirt, "Why so serious Clark?" putting back on his glove, "I have nothing against you or your little companion," looking at Xavier.

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