Chapter 9

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By looking at my choosing pics for this chapter it must look a lil random.. haha trust me each pic is there for a reason!! Forgive me for such a late update >.<; ! Had mid-terms and didn't have enough free time to really type lately... But its finished and thank you to everyone for being so patient and supportive with my story <3 <3 !!! Ya'll don't know how happy ur sweet/funny comments make me :,) !! Lol even the ones who correct my every miss spelling ;D, you guys keep me on toes!!! Well I hope you enjoy this one ;D hehehehe......


Logan POV

Its been two days since Aurora last woke up. From the extreme blood lost she had to be strapped to machines and hasn't even moved since.

Logan distance himself away from her, not wanting to hurt her more than he already had. Trying to distract himself with work so he wont be tempted to visit her.

Eli was standing on the other side of his desk at his office, going over his customers who he is planning to suck dry from everything they own. If someone owes him money, even though he has more money to know what he can do with it, he always gets paid back, one way or the other. Even if it has to come to selling their body parts and organs across state, he will get his money back.

"He's offered his home as collateral," Eli continued, eyeing the paper work, "It's not a bad property but the register's a mess,"

"Forget about it then," Logan replied closing a file folder, "Any other prospects for collecting the money?"

"Yes," shuffling the papers, "There's some real estate from the north as well," he began.

But Logan wasn't paying attention, no matter how much he worked, he couldn't get this bad aftertaste out of his mind and mouth.

Remembering her terrified screams, crying out for help... because he lost his temper.. But it was Aurora's fault too! He couldn't help but get pissed off that the fact she didn't know who he was to her. How the only reason why she is here is cause of that fucking stupid brothel. Thinking he must be this man who love trafficking women.

Just thinking about made him pissed, as he gripped at the paper in his hands tight, crinkling them in his shaking fist.

Eli eyed at his shaking fist, and how his eyes began to swirl to pitch black

He couldn't help notice how much more violent Logan has been since that day with Luna. He never got her name but he would just mutter 'little one' every now and again when he was in deep thought.

But it seemed Logan was loosing it.

He had already killed two maids, from one dropping his whiskey on the floor, and the other making a quick bathroom break leaving Luna alone.

Logan's wolf was so close to take him completely. Everyone in wolf pack house was terrified more than ever as they wouldn't dare look at him or cross paths as he stalked by. Males made sure that their mates remained in their room at all times, afraid he might snapped onto them. All just tried to step away from the dangerous monster.

Eli knew what happened that day with his Alpha and Luna, as soon as he ran into the room, not wanting Logan to do something that he will soon regret.

Eli just froze at the door way, seeing his Alpha on the ground in front of the fireplace with his limped mate in his arms. Just rocking back and forth gripping her to his chest, letting out painful howls and screams.

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