Little Kanina

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( Logan Crane POV )  

Logan laid there with her in his arms. Never had he held something so delicate, so soft or so pure. As they laid in bed for the night he felt if he loosens his arms just an inch from her then she would vanish. The scent of her consumed him completely, honeysuckle and lemons... he could not get enough of it.  His inner demons casting these temptations in his mind, causing a battle to shut them out.  

He could tell she was still awake, but he didn't want to disturb her. 

But out of nowhere, he heard her very soft speak out, "The light..." it was so faint he barely could pick up her words. 

He blinked at such words, looking at her with curiosity. 

A few hours later he felt his little mate slowly loosen in his arms as she became less tense. Losing the battle of her own heavy eyelids she finally drifted off to sleep. Even her breathing sounded delicate, as she went further into a deep slumber.

He couldn't help but see the diamonds on the necklace around her neck glistened lightly from the light of the lit fireplace. That wealthy glint that would take hold of any women's eye. Something so extravagant and exquisite, no girl could ever resist such temptation. All but Aurora... He almost had her, had her at the edge of giving herself, her soul to him completely but she somehow still fought it. Somehow she pushed away from him and refused to see who she is to him.

Logan lets out a frustrating growl as he got up from the bed, his mind was everywhere and could not think straight near her. 

He went over to a liquor cabinet and poured himself a drink, trying to numb his darkening thoughts. Then he sat in his giant armchair near the fireplace, eyeing at his sleeping mate. Wondering how special is she really. Someone with such a strong will and soul and yet seemed so fragile was able to resist him completely. It only made him more curious about her, wanting to know more about her.

His eyes moved to the crackling fire, re-playing how she was in the same world as his, she felt what he felt as they were dancing moments ago. By looking into her eyes tonight, she was ready to submit to him completely, was ready to say that she was his. Yet, she pulled away.    

"How interesting..." a voice echoed through the night air.

He continued to only look at the fire, still in deep thought, taking a drink of his scotch. 

The Oracle walked out from the shadows, slowly moving to Aurora's bedside, "Being a fae... this one is strong," it commented, leaning on its hand closer to her, cocking its head to the side with interest.

"That spell wasn't enough," he lowly growled with irritation, slowly motioning his glass around causing the ice cube to clink, "She is still resisting,"

It's white blind eyes faced his direction, "A bright soul this creature has... thou is not capable to turn such a soul..." it answered.

He snapped his eyes at it, "Are you refusing to follow my orders?" with a hint of warning.

Pythia was silent as it bought it's hand away from Aurora and stood up straight, "I live to serve you, my lord. This fae is something I can not reach with my crafts," it explained, walking to him near the fireplace, "The trance she was under... the hex that was put on the necklace was powerful. It was her angel core that pulled her out of it,"

Logan looked back at Aurora, seeing her porcelain skin glow from the moon's light. Seeing her looking so enchanting, it somehow did not surprise him that tonight didn't go according to plan. Yet he could not help but felt the eagerness to make her give herself to him, how astonishing it felt to dance with her tonight, the way she looked him, how she was supposed to look at him from the very beginning. His little mate was at the palm of his hand and yet she still slipped from his grasp.

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