Chapter 10 Forever....

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To the reader who guessed first on the scene I was talking about in the last chapter was @yipwriter !! The scene was from The Legend, one of my favorites movies of all time XD !!! Lol well I hope you enjoy this chapter!!


The maid held Aurora's hand and led the way down the dark, candle lit hallway.

She felt her heart pounding like crazy, was like it was trying to climb out of her throat. Doing her best to hold in her tears, she had to be strong, she had to be strong for Shaylee.

They made their way down a very large red stair case, made her feel like it belong to a castle.

But as they kept on walking she realized how odd this house was. Considering it looked dark.. almost spooky. A lot of stuffed animal heads were hung along side the walls, making her cringe a little, wondering if this Alpha killed all these poor animals. Large dark paintings were hung up as well. There were statues that sat on stands of wolves howling or men with spears. There was no light at all, everything was just screaming out violence, with all these old looking weapons hung around like trophies, and animal fur on the floor with it's head still attached. Even all the furniture was either black or made out of some type of poor animal. Gave of this Beowulf kind of vibe, it suited him.

Aurora was to busy looking around, not realizing they had stopped in front of two large doors. It was that familiar scent that brought her wondering thoughts back to reality. That amazing wild like scent that just made Aurora's heart beat faster than it was scared. That fire warm intense feeling crept up in her belly to the wound underneath her bandages around her neck.

She tried taking deep breaths, trying to relax herself, thinking it was all just nerves.

Suddenly the two doors slowly opened wide, making her take a step back. A warm light brighten up from behind the doors. This food aroma filled her nose, making her very mouth water.

"Please," said the maid, motioning her arms for her to walk in.

Aurora hesitantly took one step forward, peeking inside the golden lit room. And she realized he was no where in sight.

She continued to step in with awe, at the ceiling, to the walls, to the highly decorated flooring. It candle lit all around, from the chandelier, to the black polished candle stick on the tables. And yes tableS, there were three long magnificent tables, that travel their distance to one side of the room to the other. Aurora couldn't help but wonder how many people it could possibly take to fill up all these empty chairs.

She took more steps inside, to the closet table, when her eyes laid on this splendid like feast. Each table absolutely filled with this mouth watering looking food.

Suddenly she saw the doors closing behind her, making her turn around a little cautious. Once the doors were closed, she was now completely alone is this gigantic dining room.

Aurora's eyes quickly were glued on these chocolate white truffles piled on one another so neatly.

"Sugar!" she whispered highly, and quickly made her away down the table, almost tripping on her heels.

Without hesitation, she stuffed at least three white truffles in her mouth. The sugar goodness zinged threw her little fae body. She could suddenly feel that happiness of warmth inside her, Shaylee is going to be ok.

She just sighed with relief as she chewed, taking another truffle from the pile.

"You must be starving," said that familiar deep husky voice.

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