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Later that night, Aurora laid stiffly in bed with Logan's arm thrown possessively over her waist. Even in sleep he controlled her, possessed her. She tried to hold in her sobs as her shoulders shook from her tears.

His possessive words kept on drilling into her mind repeatedly, "This is your home.." His voice not leaving her mind...

This man wasn't going to let her go.

And Aurora cried.

She cried for her actual home, her mother and father, especially for her loving brother. Never going to see them again. She cried for the freedom she lost and this new life she was forced to have. But most of all she cried for the pain that he made her feel.

"I'm just someone's property.." she thought

'Much more than that...' A familiar soft voice echoed in her head.

Aurora quickly opened her eyes, so much relief came to her. Finally being able to hear Shaylee's voice again.

"Shaylee, thank god," wiping her tears away "Are you alright?"

'We are more... Must not give up...' she added, her voice sounded far away.

Aurora creased her eyebrows, "More?" she quietly repeated to herself.

'Must show him the light...' her soothing voice echoed.

"The light?" Aurora questioned, "Shaylee I don't understand..."

But there was no response, it was just silence. Shaylee was still very weak, still needed rest.

Aurora just bit the inside of her cheek, still touching her wound, "The light?" she couldn't help but repeat again.


"I want her to be checked on frequently, you hear me?" that familiar deep voice demanded.

Aurora stirred a little barely awake, but that voice seemed to muffle in her dream. Causing her to halfway open her eyes.

"Y-Yes my lord," a voice squeaked with fright.

Aurora blinked a few times and raised her eyes across the darkroom, and saw Logan in a black business suit, talking down to the girl in that same maid uniform.

"She will not leave this room when I'm gone," he ordered.

Once Aurora saw him turning towards her she quickly closed her eyes. She heard his heavy footsteps coming closer to her. She did her best to not look tense, but she was terrified.

She felt a huge paw-like hand touch her cheek making her rinse a little.

"I'll be back tonight," he simply spoke, "And I don't want to see a single new scratch on her, or in the same clothes." she felt him moving her curls from her face, "I want her well-rested, and fed," tucking her hair behind her ear.

Aurora had to hold back her shivers.

"Do I make myself clear," he spoke sternly.

"Yes my lord," she quickly answered.

"Her breakfast should be ready downstairs, I want you to bring it to her straight away," he ordered.

"O-Of course," quickly leaving the room.

Suddenly Aurora felt warm lips touch her forehead making her freeze, even stopped her from breathing.

"Be good," he murmured in her ear.

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