Chapter 3

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Aurora just jumped, completed surprised from the voice, falling out of her bed, bringing her covers with her.

Suddenly she could feel more light by her mind and core, as if this weight has been lifted from her chest. Looking around, confused and shocked what she just heard.

Bad things....

It spoke again in her head, barely could hear from all her other thoughts going threw her head. Shaking her head, she tried to clear her mind again, trying to listen for her Fae. Trying to think back to it, wondering if her inner Fae works like her families inner wolf.

"What do you mean bad things?" hoping it could hear her.

Beware of those with red yellow eyes....That's where death lies... Beware of those with pale cold skin... For they just live to sin...

The way it was speaking, whispering to her ear, it brought shivers down her spine. Hugging herself with fear, from what it spoke. Wondering if this was some type of warning. Never had her Fae spoke so clearly or this long before. So this must mean something important.

Yellow/red eyes, pale cold skin.. trying to think what her fairy was talking about. Then suddenly remembered that odd stranger in the lobby.

Aurora lets out a gasp, standing up, "V-Vampire," covering her mouth in shock. Realizing she was in presence of a soulless blood sucking vampire. The bad vibes Edgar had, the way her inner Fae pulled her away. Sure she was pretty sheltered, and doesn't know much about the un-human part of this world. But her father made sure she learned to stay away from the Cold Ones. They crave the Fae blood more than anything, their sweet, pure blood. The fact that she touched one, was so close to one brought shivers down her spine. 

"A-A actual vampire," she stared at the floor, stumbling on to her bed.

Hush... and shush... must stay on guard

The sounded more faded than before, Aurora was loosing grip, "Wait! Don't leave me," she pleaded in whisper.

Still with Aurora.. will always be with Aurora.....

Then everything went quiet. She took grip on her pillow, wondering if she should wake up her bother, tell him what really happen. But yet she didn't want him to worry, knowing he will just bring her back to mom and dad, who knows when they will let her leave their sight if she said anything.

Aurora shook her head, laying down, "Stay on guard, like she said," nodding to herself.


The sun rays threw the window hits her face, making it hard to open hereyes, "Can someone close the windows." Aurora moaned, pulling the covers over her face. Then she quickly remembered were she was, causing her to quickly sit up.

She looked around at her fancy room smiling with excitment, then crawled out of bed, "Edgar! Edgar!" running to his room, but found just a empty messy bed with a note on the bedside table.

Letting out a sigh, she took the note and read it.

I'm sorry Aurora for not being able to show you New York on your first day. Was called in by the last minute. But still have fun, go to the front desk and ask them to call ClarkBlack to pick you up once you want to go out. I love you, and should be home at mid night.

She folded back the letter, than looked at the window, putting the note into her pocket, "Well its just me for today," walking back into her room, then stopped her feet.

Taking deep breaths, she closed her eyes, "You still with me little Fae?"

The was a long quiet pause than she heard a soft familiar voice. 

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