Chapter 5 'Him'

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'Its cold' laying on her side on the ground, 'pure white snow....' as she looked lifelessly around were she was laying. She was no were, just freshly patch snow going on forever. 'I'm alone....' feeling emptiness in her chest, could not even feel her heart beat. It was as if Aurora's whole body went numb.

"Aurora..." a voice called out in her head. It was that familiar soft sweet voice, but Aurora remained still.

Suddenly this warm hand touch her cheek, spreading its warmth threw her whole body, down to her toes. From that very touch she quickly sat up, and blinked with shock.

Sitting in front of her was the most breathtaking girl she had ever seen. Her hair was white as the snow around them, which was long as Rapunzel's, just flowed around her dainty body. Skin reminded her of glass, white and polished, yet gave of a glow, or a shine, almost silver. Had on this simple peach like gown, which matched the color of her heart shaped lips. What threw Aurora off even more is that she had the same eyes as hers. The same light blue eyes, with flakes silver, and those gold swirls. Never had she met someone with the same eyes as hers. She looked almost magical...

The beautiful girl looked back at her threw strains of hair. Then it hit Aurora, "Shaylee..?" she asked.

As soon as she spoke, the girl expressed a small smile on her face, and did a slight nod. Her hair just gracefully flowed with her head movement.

Aurora just looked at her, actually seeing her inner fae. It gave her this over whelming feeling, never thought this was even possible.

Shaylee took her hand with this tenderness, her hand was soft as velvet, "Must be brave..." she spoke, but her lips never moved, but Aurora could hear her voice in her mind, "Must stay strong.."

Then it hit Aurora like a ton of bricks , everything, the killing, the explosion... Clark.. Xavier. She lets out a gasping cry, covering her mouth with her other hand, "Oh god..." bending forward. Her whole body was shaking. Vampires kidnapped her, she was good as dead.

Shaylee lets go of her hand, and made Aurora looked up at her by caressing the sides of her face, "This isn't the end of your path..." gently ripping her tears area, "I sense a great presence.."

Aurora creased her eyebrows together, "A presence?"

Nodding her head," Him.." the way she said that word, Aurora could feel this passion and love, making her more confused.

Aurora was about to speak but voices started to flow around them. Everything around her started to fade away like smoke.

"Wh-what's going on?" Aurora asked, even feeling herself fading away.

Shaylee gripped onto her hands securely, "Stay strong Aurora.." then she started to fade as well.

Aurora began to panic, "I-I can't! Don't leave Shaylee, I'm..I'm afraid!"

With that, Shaylee gently kissed her lips, she blinked with shock. Could barley feel it, considered she was fading away.

"Be brave..." was her last words.

The voices grew louder around her, and just like that everything went black.


Aurora slowly began to feel her whole body again. Yet couldn't open her eyes, it felt like they were glued shut, her arms and legs felt like 1000 pounds.

She slipped out a painful moan, using all the strength she had left to at least open her eyes. They were finally open half way, yet a little foggy. Her lips felt dry, as did her throat. A throbbing pain of a migraine hit her. Groaning with discomfort, slightly moving her head to ease the pain, but with her luck it only increased the pressure.

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