Chapter 8

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I just want to say thank you! Thank you to everyone who had voted and commented on my story <3 you guys are the reason I pushed myself to finish this chapter ;,) Knowing you guys actually want me to continue writing means the absolute world to me!!! Some of you said the sweetest thing on my board that actually made me smile for a week :DDDD!!!! I appreciate every one of you!!!! I really hope this chapter grows to your liking! ENJOY!!!


[Please listen to the music if you can, adds to the vibe ;) ]

Logan POV

He just glared at the wall across from him. Just sat in his pitch black office, the darkness usually calms him down for some reason, but it was wasn't helping this time. Logan's anger was growing stronger and stronger. Remembering how he almost killed his own mate...

Logan clawed his desk, his fingers deep in the wood by just the memory.

That flash of memory of his fangs close to her throat. The thought of it made his inner monster grow hungry, pulling the roots of his hair with discuss trying to shut that side of him out. Her sweet scent was stuck to him driving him crazy. Could feel his teeth shifting threw his gums like sharp glass, clenching them tight to gain some type of control. His blood pumping threw his veins fast, causing his heart to speed up.

"Why would this happen?!" he hissed, breathing hard, "Is this my punishment?!"

He slammed his shaking fist to the desk, "I did not ask for this!" his eyes turning black.

But that familiar burning thirst still remained, which made him snap.

"She's mine!"he yelled, throwing all his stuff from his desk to the floor, "She is mine!" yelling to the ceiling, glaring at the horizon, "If there is a fucking god up there, I will not give her up that easy! You fucked me over to much already!" clenching his fists tight, "I will take her down to hell with me if that's how it should be..." he hissed, making vow, "This girl belongs to me,"

His inner wolf howled inside with triumph, both refusing to let her go.

30 seconds later his door slams open with one of his pack members breathing hard, "Alpha!" storming in his office

Logan eyed him, "Now isn't the time," hint of warning.

"It's Luna, she's-" but before he could finish, Logan had him straddled against the wall in seconds.

"She's what?!" he growled, he's eyes black, his wolf growing pissed and worried, "SPEAK!" he roared.

He was letting out gasps from his grip against his throat, "Sh...She's locked in the room, we can't get in.." trying to speak from Alpha's hard hand against his jugular.

"She's in there alone?!" already wants to break this guys neck.

All he could do was nod as his face was turning blue.

Logan had to throw him out of his reach before he killed him, "FUCK!" running out of his office to his room.

Once he got there he saw his men wiggling and slamming against the door, "Get out of the way," Logan ordered, stocking to the door. All of them quickly made a path for him.

Eli was the last to step aside, as Logan stiffen already could smell her sweet scent from threw the cracks. Which only made his inner wolf more eager to get to her. She was alone in there, anything could happen to her!

With that Logan's wolf was in complete control, banging against the door hard leaving it cracked in the wood and around the door frame.

"OPEN THIS DOOR!" he roared, making his men take a step back.

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