Chapter 6 'Mine'

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Logan Crane POV :

Logan took another swig of the lost of his scotch, then raised his cup for another. In a flash a waiter quickly replaced his empty glass with a new one. Since Logan is a special guest, he gets excellent service. Money can do wonders, comes with a lot of people kissing up to his ass. Logan is the kind of guy with a whole lot of power, who owns a shit load of properties, and if he wants something he'll get it. He always gets it. Took over the special family business which means he's alpha of Lipan; one of the highest pack since the beginning of time. He reeks of power & control, is known to be ruthless, merciless, and deadly. He cares for know one besides himself. He's known for being a cold bloody killer if you ever cross him. Some people aren't to sure if he has a soul or even a conscience. There's not one wolf, witch or vampire who haven't of his name.

Logan lets out a irritated growl, watching the next half naked girl walk back stage, Waiting for the old sick bastard to take her. This place isn't enjoyable to him. Every where he sees there were warlocks, werewolves, and vampires. It's the kind of brothel that only certain people can get in. The truth is he was here on business, discussing properties and protection to one of his clients that own this sick fucking brothel. Protection as in keep this place on very low radar, considering its completely illegal on how they get these women, it's Logan's job to make sure things don't get messy. High power does wonders.

The weird thing is the moment he step inside his inner wolf become anxious for some reason, as if he could sense something. Which is odd. His inner wolf can be a pain in his ass, but when he can feel him like this its always for a good reason. It made it difficult for him to concentrate on business. He would let out a low irritated growl, trying to get him to calm down, but he would just growl right back.

"Alpha, are you all right?" asked one of his pack members, Hinto, noticed he seemed a little off.

He just nodded, straightening his sleeve cuffs.

"This Pitch is wasting our time," said his beta, Eli, "The flight leaves in one hour," looking at his watch.

Logan took another drink.

"Sir Crane!" said the business owner, walking towards the table to him.

Logan didn't get up, just wait for him to be seated, "I trust they are treating you well?" he asked sitting down.

Logan grunted, "You're late Pitch," eyeing at him.

"Yes, forgive me," fixing his tie, "New merchandise of mine has been a handful, I would say," flashing his fangs.

He didn't want to hear how kidnapping women was, the only reason he's in business with Pitch is cause he pays high for the protection. One of many clients he had wrapped around his finger.

"Speaking of merchandise," leaning in, "Any today you're interested in Sir Crane?" he smiled, with a sick glint in his eye, "Wouldn't mind to give a little discount at all," giving a wink.

Eli lets out discussed sound.

Logan firmly looked at him, "Have no interests in your stolen women," putting his brief case on the table.

Pitch gives a hard smile, "Of course," nodding, as a waitress hands him a glass of deep red liquid, blood, "Shall we get started then?" taking a sip.

As they began their business meeting, the man how does the bidding of the women steps on stage as another girl walks off, "Well she was a looker!" he cracked, "But she doesn't come close to what we have in store for you gentlemen." he smiled wickedly, "This next girl is quite special, it I do say.." getting the audience all worked up.

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