Chapter 7

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"Introducing our little fairy!" then someone ripped the cloak clean off Aurora.

She felt a humid breeze hit her overexposed skin. But she couldn't do anything about it, she could barely think straight let alone cover herself with her arms.

Aurora's felt light headed once the man grabbed her face an brought it to the spot light, causing her eyes to see nothing but out lines of people in the audience and puffs of smoke. Whistles and howling began to fly around the room, the next think she knew so were numbers.

She began to hear some type of growl coming from the audience, creating goosebumps on her arms. As if it was a voice was only met for her to hear, " Mate..." it echoed around her. Just that one word made Aurora's heart lift.

She start to feel some type of warmth coming closer and closer to her, and this scent.. she couldn't describe it, is was all just overpowering that she felt like she was about to pass out at any second. Suddenly this jacket fell onto her shoulders covering her with that mouth watering smell. She was pulled out of the mans grasps, and was quickly in the arms of another. Who ever it was, Aurora didn't care. This person gave off this protection, like a shield. Felt like all her fears and sadness just went away. And these sparks... these sudden sparks bolted threw her entire body, it send her fairy flying all inside her. For first time.. she felt safe.

Aurora was to drugged to know what was happening, trying to keep her eyes open, but just didn't have the strength, lifelessly laying on this person's rock hard chest. But she began to smell something.. like rusting pennies... blood? Made her want to gag.

Then she heard it's voice, "Is that enough for you?!" all though it scared the shit out of her, this voice made her heart beat fast, she just ached to hear more.

The man brought her closer to his chest, and she fell in to a deep sleep by the lullaby of his heart beat.

The very last words she heard was. "Mine."


Logan Crane POV

Refused to eat... Refused to sleep, Logan just sat in the chair, right next to his mate. Waiting for her to wake up. Would pace in his room like a mad man, with his wolf growing worried if she ever will wake up.

His top nurses were be in the room daily, to check up on her. But would tell him that she just needs more rest. Would check her heart rate ever so often.

Logan wanted to kill them, all of them from the fucking brothel with his bare hands. A fire was to quick, no.. he wanted to torture them. Kill them slowly, to the point were the plead to him to just end their life. Torture them in his cellar, were he does his dirty business. Chain them down and would just scalp them, breaking every bone in their body, maybe even peel off their faces and just hang on a hook right in front of them.

He could feel his eye twitch just thinking about it. How much pleasure it would give him. Letting out a twisted smile, seeing how Pitch would of reacted seeing his peeled paled face be hung right in front of him.

Logan has done these kind of things many times, to the point were he shows no emotion while killing. Barley shows any emotion at all. He's just like a rock, has no pain, no remorse, no pity, and no mercy.

But, this little girl brought these certain feeling he has never came across before. Never has he thought he would find his mate, knowing what kind of monster he is. But she's here.. in his bed, and already he is willing to tare apart any bastard who threatens to even come near her. It's even driving him over the edge for not knowing his own mate's name.

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