Chapter Thirty-Four: Beorn the Shape-Charger

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Cornelia looked at Thalia as Gandalf went about introducing each of the dwarves to their host, she didn't know what the big fuss was about since she knew a lot of shape-chargers and they all seemed to be the same to her.

Thalia glanced at her cousin as she sat away from the main company, she wasn't in the mood to deal with another friend of Gandalf's; they all seemed to be a little weird if Radagast was anything to go by.

"And finally we have Cornelia Ashton, Daughter of Hades and Thalia Graceful hunter, Daughter of Poseidon," Gandalf said introducing the two demi-gods, he was a little annoyed that they had lingered at the back of the group since he knew how much Beorn disliked dwarves.

The only thing that surpassed his dislike for dwarves was his hatred for orcs and Gandalf had hoped by introducing an injured Thalia first that it might sway Beorn's decision in allowing them to stay for a few days.

The shape-charger stared at the two demi-gods for a moment before he boomed in laughter, his eyes not believing what was now stood before him.

Thalia grumbled rubbing her temples as she glanced at Cornelia, she wasn't sure how many more unstable people that she could deal with right now; she knew that there had to be something he found amusing.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both... Paloma talked about you a lot," Beorn said eagerly remembering the tales that he had heard from his last demi-god visitor; he was surprised that two had arrived so soon after his last had left.

Cornelia looked at Thalia who seemed just as surprised to hear that their cousin had been here before them; they hadn't thought that maybe Paloma would also be searching for them

"Who is Paloma?" Bilbo asked curiously looking between Beorn and the two demi-gods, he could see that she was important and that maybe there was something more going on that they didn't know about.

Thorin frowned staring at Thalia as she shared a knowing look with Cornelia, it was suddenly very clear that the two cousins were hiding something and it made him wonder what he was missing.

"Paloma is our cousin, she the Daughter of Zeus," Thalia said watching Cornelia, she wasn't sure what was going on anymore but it was clear that she didn't have the full picture still; she was being kept in the dark about what was really going on.

Gandalf stared speechlessly as a couple of the dwarves recognised Zeus's name from the story that the blonde had just told; they looked between the two cousins waiting for them to explain what was going on.

"It's complicated," Cornelia said in response to the unanswered question that lingered in the room, she sighed running a hand through her dark hair knowing that she really didn't need this right now.

Gandalf frowned realising that she wasn't talking to them but Thalia, he looked between the two wondering what was going on and why the blonde looked annoyed.

"Then un-complicate it," Thalia snapped fed-up of being kept in the dark, she was meant to be helping save this world from a darkness that she didn't even know about with the help of two cousins that she didn't even know existed a week ago.

The dwarves fell silent as the tone in Thalia's voice, they had never heard her speak like that before and they wondered what had happened to make her react like that.

Cornelia glared at Thalia as the blonde got to her feet, for a week now she had trusted the dark-haired woman because she was her cousin but now she felt that she deserved to know what was really going on.

"How is it possible that children of The Big Three can be here?" Gandalf said moving forward, he thought only one or two had slipped through but to hear that there was one of each made him wonder if something greater was at work.

Thalia took a deep breath trying to calm herself, she couldn't risk losing her temper right now; she wouldn't stand a chance in a fight against Cornelia while she was still recovering.

"Because we were always meant to be here, why do you think it was so easy for you to pull Thalia through the worlds," Cornelia said resting a hand on her blade, were a lot of questions to be answered but she didn't have all the answers; she didn't even know why they had been sent on this stupid quest.

Thalia moved away from Cornelia so that she could avoid the temptation of lashing out, she could feel her anger just bubbling below the surface.

Thorin shot her a curious look as he glanced between Thalia and Cornelia, he knew that there was something more here and he worried what was going on.

"But why?" Gandalf demanded stepping towards the demi-god, he knew that she was hiding something and he needed to know what was going on; he already had his own suspicions and he had a feeling that Cornelia would confirm them for him.

Thalia sat down across the room from her cousin, she doubted that she would have them answered anytime soon; she smiled softly as Kíli sat down beside her as if for protection.

"Who are you to demand answers Olórin," Cornelia spat glaring at the wizard, she was sick of him walking around as if he knew better than everyone when he certainly wasn't better than her.

Gandalf stepped back in shock at hearing that name from Cornelia, he hadn't expected her to know that; it was a name that he hadn't heard in such a very long time.

"Olórin was my name in my youth in the West that is forgotten," Gandalf whispered wondering what else she knew, there was something very dark about Cornelia and it worried him now about whose side she was truly on; his mind flickering to Sauron and it made him worry.

Cornelia glared at the wizard as the dwarves are looked at her, she knew that they could also sense the danger that rolled off of her; she wasn't someone who they should ever get on the wrong side.

"Enough Cornelia," Thalia snapped glaring at her cousin, she knew that as the daughter of Hades that her powers were mainly linked to his and from what Thalia knew he wasn't a pleasant person; it was like her own was liked to her father's powers in some way.

Cornelia glared at Thalia wondering just why she had to deal with her cousins, her father didn't trust his brothers and she was starting to see why; something was going on and she felt like she was nothing more than a tool.

Thalia watched as Cornelia stared at her cousin, her blue eyes watching as the daughter of Hades moved to collect her things; she knew that this was her way of rebelling in some way.

"You what I'm out of here," Cornelia said not wanting to waste another moment there, she knew that she'd move a lot quicker if she was on her own than traveling with this circus; she frowned wondering why she needed her cousins so badly when she had worked better on her own.

Thalia watched her knowing that there was probably little that she could say that wouldn't end in a fight, she knew that if the Gods were determined to have them together then it was only going to be a matter of time before she saw Cornelia again.

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