Chapter Fifty-Four: The Celebration Banquet

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Thalia took a deep breath as she stood outside the hall where the celebration banquet was being held for the company, they were due to leave for Erebor in the morning and she was glad that they were leaving soon. 

Thalia couldn't shake the bad feelings that she had been getting in the last couple of days, she dreaded to think what was waiting for them when they reached the Lonely Mountain. 

The rest of the company were already inside and Thalia knew they would be waiting for her to join them yet she couldn't bring herself to go in; she didn't wish to spend the entire evening with people like Alfrid and the Master. 

Thalia moved away from the hall and started to walk a little away into the cold night air, she couldn't believe how long she had been in Middle Earth for now and it made her wonder; it had nearly been six months and she wasn't sure if she would ever see her home again. 

Earth had been so far from her mind the past few weeks and Thalia did miss it, she wondered about the people that she had left behind and wondered what they had thought of her disappearance. 

Thalia looked up at the night sky and took a deep breath, she was happy here and she knew that when they reclaimed Erebor then there was going to be so much to be done. 

"You look deep in thought, is something troubling you my love?" Thorin asked approaching Thalia, he had come out to look for her when she hadn't arrived for their dinner. 

Thorin could see that something was on her mind and he was curious about what bothered her, tonight was meant to be fun before their tough journey to complete their trip to his forgotten home and then they would need to deal with the dragon that lay within. 

"It's nothing... just thinking of Earth," Thalia replied turning to face Thorin, her midnight blue Medieval dress and shrug bolero swished around as she turned and she wondered if she would ever get used to the strange clothes. 

Thorin nodded his head, he smiled a little at the fact that she didn't call her world home anymore; he hoped that meant that she had decided to stay, he didn't know what he would do if she left him behind. 

Thalia had become important to him, Thorin knew that he did wish to ask for her hand and he hoped to do so soon; he just needed to reclaim his home so that he could prove himself to her. 

"Do you miss it?" Thorin asked moving to stand next to Thalia, her blonde hair had been neatly woven into braids to keep it out of her eyes and he was pleased to see the braids that he had given her were still neatly in place. 

Thalia chewed on her lip and thought for a moment, she felt so at home here with him that she knew that there would be no going back for her; she just didn't want anyone to worry about her. 

"Not anymore," Thalia replied smiling at Thorin, she had no idea what the future held for them but she prayed that things would work out for them; she couldn't bear the thought that something could happen. 

Thalia couldn't shake the vision that she'd had of Azog when they'd been in the enchanted forest; she didn't want that to come to pass and she was going to be keeping an eye out for any signs that it was going to happen. 

"We should head inside," Thorin murmured peeking back at the hall, he knew that they would be missed and he didn't want anyone getting any ideas about him and Thalia. 

It was also starting to get cold and Thorin didn't want Thalia getting sick when they were meant to be traveling to Erebor tomorrow; it would be a long trip to find the door that they were seeking.


Thalia laughed softly and shook her head amused as she watched Bofur in a drinking contest with one of the Laketown men, she knew that the dwarves were having fun and it was nice to see them so relaxed after everything that had happened. 

Thalia couldn't remember the last time that they had all been so relaxed like this, she guessed that it might have been at Beorn's house though and that seemed so very long ago after what had happened in Mirkwood.

Bilbo was sat next to her as they watched Bofur and the others make fools of themselves, they had been quietly talking about the rest of the trip and preferred to watch instead of getting involved in the craziness that was going on around them. 

"Do you think the dragon is alive?" Bilbo asked softly looking to Thalia, he was worried about what they would find and he knew that it wasn't going to be easy; he could only imagine what was waiting for them inside of the Lonely Mountain. 

Thalia stared at Bilbo for a moment, she had a feeling that Smaug was very much alive ever if no one had seen him in years; she doubted that the dragon would have just died without anyone noticing it. 

Bilbo swallowed when Thalia didn't say anything, she didn't have to and he knew that she didn't believe that Smaug had died like everyone else seemed to think; he could only hope that this wasn't going to end with more people dying. 

"It'll be okay," Thalia replied not knowing what else to tell the hobbit, she had no idea what was going to be waiting for them in the mountain; they had spent so long approaching it that she now worried that they weren't going to be prepared for what awaited them. 

Bilbo nodded and smiled at Thalia, he dismissed himself from her side when he noticed Thorin approaching and he knew that the dwarf would wish to speak with Thalia alone.


Thorin grumbled as he kissed Thalia, he hadn't liked being so far away from her side but he knew that it hadn't been avoidable since he was hiding the fact that he was courting her. 

Thorin didn't want any of the Laketown men to think that they could take advantage of the situation but he knew that this was for the best; he tugged Thalia closer knowing this was their last night here. 

"Good night," Thalia whispered moving to step away from Thorin, she was breathing hard after kissing Thorin and she knew that if they didn't stop then they would go further. 

Thorin swallowed and nodded his head, he stared at Thalia knowing that after tomorrow everything was going to be such hard work; they had a long way to go and very little time to get there. 

"Good night," Thorin murmured in reply, he was glad that no one could see them and he hoped that the night would be as peaceful so that everyone could relax. 

They would leave for Erebor in the morning, the company were recovering nicely from their stay in Mirkwood over the past couple of days and now as the time for them to leave. 

The only person who concerned Thorin was Kíli, his leg still wasn't right after being shot on their escape and he knew that Thalia and Balin didn't like the look of it still; no matter what they seemed to do the black colouring wouldn't go away. 

Thalia kissed Thorin again, she wrapped her arms around him as he backed her into the door; she squeaked at the feeling of the handle against her back before she moved to open the door. 

Thalia pulled Thorin inside and closed the door behind them, she knew that this was going to change things but she didn't know what waited for them in Erebor and she had a feeling that this was the last time that things were going to be this calm.

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