Chapter Forty-Five: Being Locked Away

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Thranduil smirked walking towards the room where Thalia had been set up in, he knew that the blonde was a gift sent from the Gods and he wasn't about to allow her to slip through his fingers. 

Paloma had been the perfect start to his collection and now that he had Thalia, he only need Cornelia now and then his collection would be complete; he knew it wouldn't be easy but the fact that two demigods had come to him was a blessing that he had been waiting for. 

Stepping into Thalia's bedroom, he looked around wondering where the blonde could be before his eyes landed on Thalia as she stepped out of her bathroom. 

"Lady Thalia," Thranduil said bowing his head to Thalia, he hoped that what he had come to discuss with her would be pleasing to her; he had thought about this long and hard about this. 

The elven-lord had known since Paloma had told him about the Greek Gods what he had planned for the three; he wasn't about to share anything with anyone. 

"My Lord," Thalia said politely looking at Thranduil, she hadn't been expecting him to come and see her; she had heard some sort of commotion earlier but Paloma had kept her busy and away from what was happening. 

The elves were apparently preparing for some big festival and Paloma had been so excited in showing Thalia around; she had spent a lot of time talking about the culture of the elves as well. 

"I hope your room is comfortable enough for you," Thranduil said walking around the room, he had asked for the demigod to be placed here to keep her comfortable. 

Thalia was going to be a member of his family and he wanted her to know just how much she would mean to his family; she would be a perfect addition just as Paloma had been.

"I have a proposition for you," Thranduil said watching Thalia, he wasn't sure how the blonde would take his proposal and he hoped that she'd be just as happy as Paloma had been when he had set up her in his house. 

Thalia eyed the elf knowing that she didn't trust him for a moment, there was something dark about Thranduil and she had a feeling that he had a lot of dark intentions. 

"Paloma is engaged to marry my son Legolas," Thranduil said casually as he continued to watch Thalia, he wondered how the blonde would take this news and he hoped she'd warm to what he was going to say. 

The elf-lord had been waiting for one of the other demigods to arrive and while he hadn't liked Cornelia when she had passed through his kingdom; he had taken quite a liking and knew just how to bind the demigods to his land and not to any others. 

Thalia wasn't quite sure where Thranduil was going with this but she suddenly felt on edge; she wasn't about to tell him that she was courting Thorin, since she doubted that it would go down well. 

"I would like you to become my queen," Thranduil said simply knowing that Cornelia wasn't fit for that position and Paloma was already betrothed to his son. 

This made Thalia the only suitable option for himself and he was sure that the ocean demigod would jump at this chance; what mortal woman would not deserve to become queen. 

Thalia stared at Thranduil wondering if he had completely lost the plot, she had just met him and now he was seeking her hand in marriage; the blonde shook her head knowing there was only one man that she wanted and it wasn't the elf that stood before her right now. 

"I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request," Thalia said knowing that the phrase might just be enough to save her right now.

Thranduil pursed his lips staring at the demigod, he really had been counting on her being in agreement with his plan; he saw this as the perfect way to say that his rule was blessed. 

The elven-lord watched Thalia knowing that she would come around to his way of thinking, he wasn't going to give up just yet and he had a feeling that he had something that would change her mind. 

"As I told Thorin Oakenshield. One hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf, I am patient and I can wait for your real response," Thranduil said calmly watching Thalia for her response to that information. 

Thalia had been with the elves for several days now and had mostly been in Paloma's company, he had hoped her cousin would warm her heart to living here in Mirkwood as one of the people. 

Thalia felt her heartbeat wildly in her chest as she realised that Thorin was in Mirkwood and Thranduil had him somewhere; she knew that she would be able to track the dwarves down with ease. 

"Your heart beats wildly for him," Thranduil said coldly listening to the way Thalia's heartbeat at the mere mention of the dwarf king that had gravely insulted him earlier that morning. 

The dwarf had demanded to be allowed to search for his love and Thranduil had been disappointed to learn that it was Thalia that he spoke of. 

"We are courting," Thalia said carefully watching Thranduil, she hoped that this would be enough to stop the crazed thoughts of the elven-lord. 

Thranduil felt anger bubble within him as he realised that she had been tainted by the dwarf's love; he hadn't thought that he'd have any competition for her and now he would just have to find a way to change her mind.

"You shall remain locked in this room until you change your mind," Thranduil said walking past Thalia and stalked to the door, he had no interest in her unless she agreed to be his wife. 

Thalia Graceful Hunter was going to be his wife one way or another and he refused to have her anywhere near Thorin in case the dwarf stole her from him. 

"You can't do that," Thalia said enraged that she was being locked away just because she had said no to marrying him. 

Thalia was really starting to hate elves and wondered what on earth made them think that they could control her in anyway; a rumble of thunder cracked over head as Thranduil turned to Thalia. 

"I'm the king. I can do whatever I want," Thranduil said darkly making Thalia step back from him as his eyes flashed dangerously at the blonde. 

Thalia gritted her teeth as she glared back at the elven-king knowing that she wasn't going to ever agree to marrying him; she just needed to find the others and escape. 

Thranduil turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, signalling for the guards to lock the door knowing that he could wait forever for Thalia to change her mind about becoming his wife.

Thalia raced towards the door and tried to pull it open, she cursed softly as she realised that she had been locked inside. 

Thalia slammed her hand into the door knowing that this really did cause her quite a few problems but she was determined to not let Thranduil think that he was winning. 

"I really hate elves," Thalia muttered annoyed as she walked away from the door and headed over to her bed knowing that she was going to have to tap into her own magic to find out where the others where. 

The demigod doubted that Thranduil would be keeping them anywhere near her and her best bet right now would be the dungeons. 

Thalia sat down hoping that she would be able to astral project herself out of her room with a simple spell since she didn't have any of her things and they would be with Thorin and the others.

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