Chapter Forty-One: Twisted Visions

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"We stop here for tonight," Thorin ordered as the light slowly disappeared, he looked around at the exhausted company as his blue eyes snort out Thalia who was still with Bilbo and Ori. 

Thorin watched her for a moment before turning his attention to setting down his own bag, he would seek her out later after dinner had been made; she was perfectly safe right now. 

"How is everything looking?" Thorin asked moving towards Balin, he counted on his friend in times like these and he needed to speak with Dwalin about a certain matter that was plaguing his mind. 

Balin sighed as he looked at Thorin, his eyes quickly doing a search of the camp before he did so; he knew what his friend was worried about traveling through the forest. 

"You worry for her," Balin stated looking over at Thalia who was talking softly with Bilbo and Ori, he could see that there was something plaguing his friend's mind. 

Thorin nodded his head, he didn't know what it was but since they had entered this forest his mind had been consumed and plagued by dark thoughts about Thalia. 

"Dwalin... will you keep a close eye on her, my old friend?" Thorin asked looking towards bald friend, he needed to know that whatever happened that someone would be able to protect the blonde in case something did happen. 

Dwalin was the perfect candidate for this and Thorin knew that he would be able to handle anything that came their way. 

"The lass is pretty capable of watching her own back," Dwalin murmured looking over at Thalia, he could still recall her fight against Azog and he doubted that anyone would be able to handle what she had done. 

Thorin nodded his head unsurely, he wouldn't be at ease until his friend had agreed to watch over Thalia; he wanted her safe and he had a feeling that this trip through the forest wasn't going to end well.


Thalia brushed some hair from her face as she avoided dinner, she didn't know what it was but a horrible feeling was building in her stomach. 

Thalia leant against one of the trees and watched the company for a moment, her blue eyes sweeping the small company before she slipped out of sight for a moment. 

Thalia glanced behind her so that she knew that she wasn't being followed, the blonde wanted a moment to herself; her head was aching and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. 

The demigod hadn't felt like this for a long time and she didn't like it, she carefully moved to sit down on the forest floor. 

"Thalia?" a voice called making Thalia swallow as she looked towards the camp, she knew that they would have noticed that she had slipped away and would seek her out.

Thalia ignored the call as she crossed her legs and prepared to mediate, she closed her blue eyes as she took a deep breath in and held it for a moment before she breathed out. 

"Thalia?" Thorin's voice called concerned as the witch remained focused on what she was doing, she needed to stay focused if she wanted to ease her mind against the pain that lay there. 

Thalia allowed peace to fall over her as she continued her breathing exercises, she ignored the world around her knowing that it had been a long time since she had done this. 

Thalia had never favoured this part of her powers and she knew that it had taken her a long time to master this focus; it was rare for her to have a quiet moment like this.

Thalia took an extra deep breath as she felt something tug on her mind, she knew that whatever she was about to be shown was something that she needed to see.


Thalia looked around confused as she wondered what was going on, her blue eyes blinked as she slowly realised that she was stood in a battle field; she swallowed as her eyes darted around showing her the falling of her friends. 

Thalia could feel something weighing her down as her eyes locked on Azog, she stepped back in shock as he smirked at her. 

Thalia had known that he had somehow survived her attack but she hadn't thought she would ever see him again after their fight. 

Thalia stepped back as his dark black eyes locked on her, a twisted smile forming on his face as he led the charge towards her on his white warg. 

Azog's eyes swept over the battle that was taking place before they settled on something a little away from her. 

Thalia frowned as he said something in his own language making her stomach twist and her hand drop down to press against it. 

Turning sharply, Thalia felt horror fill her as a blood covered Thorin snarled at Azog and raised his sword above his head; she tried to move forward to stop him only to find her feet stuck to the ground. 

Thalia could only watched as he charged forward towards Azog before there was a massive flash. 

The demi-god wasn't sure what had happened but suddenly there was a sharp pain in her stomach and everyone around her lay dead. 

Thalia choked back a sob as she saw the bodies of her friends, villagers and children scattered around her as the vision started to close in on her. 

"You will lose everything... Daughter of Poseidon," a voice whispered in the darkness as Thalia pulled her hand from her abdomen to find it covered in blood. 

Thalia heard a ringing in her ears as she dropped to her knees, the world around her shaking as something was shouted from a distance.


"Thalia," a voice said as Thalia slowly found herself coming back to the world, she gasped as she surged forward only to find herself in Thorin's arms surrounded by the worried faces of the company. 

Thalia blinked confused as she felt something pouring from her nose making her reach up and frowned as she realised that she had a nose bleed. 

"Are you okay Lia?" Kíli asked concerned staring at the very pale blonde, he had never seen her like this before and it frightened him. 

Thalia was like a member of their family and Fíli and Kíli didn't like that something had happened to the blonde that might one day become their aunt.

Thorin held Thalia close to him, his heart pounding in his chest at finding her near unconscious; he glanced at Dwalin knowing that he couldn't allow this to happen again. 

"I'm okay," Thalia breathed trying to stop her nose bleeding, she swallowed at how pitiful that sounded coming out of her mouth; it sounded far from okay to her. 

Fíli and Kíli stared a look not believing her for a moment, they knew that something had happened and they could tell that it had been powerful. 

"Let's get you back to camp," Thorin murmured carefully lifting Thalia up into his arms, he shared a look with Balin knowing that something had happened. 

Thalia in his arms was as cold as death and his heart had broken at her terror filled screams. 

Something had happened while she had been unconscious, something had scared his love and he wouldn't allow it to happen again.

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