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He trailed his way down the village path, the sounds of little kids giggling and the sound of hard-working men piling up heavy sacks filling the air, along with the few women who were outside as well, chatting about said men with giggles in between.

The children he heard were a group of boys who were playfully sliding their feet on a patch of ice that had formed in the little open area they had.

It was nice.

Jungkook was so glad to have the chance of wandering freely in his kingdom. It was peaceful, and his people loved the prince as much as he loved them.

"Children," he called out. Said children turned to him, nearly bumping into each other as they lost balance. Jungkook chuckled. "Watch out for a moment."

So, they moved to the side as Jungkook waved them back. He held his hands out and struck ice onto the ground, making the patch of ice sturdier and bigger for the boys.

"Oh, cool!"

"Teach me how!"

"Again! Again!"

He loved his people. The goofy children, the loyal men, the women who kept their families well-kept. And he definitely loved the pure joy in the kids' eyes— different shades of blue and white glistening up at him.

"It would be dangerous to go any further," he told them, dismissing their pouts and frowns. "Maybe next time. Go on, play."

They obeyed, never ones to back-talk to the prince of the Ice Kingdom.

The kingdom loved Jungkook. He'd been the nicest and most caring he could live up to, and every villager and townspeople knew him to be a good prince with a good heart. They trust that their future is in good hands. However, he fears for that.

He fears his true weakness of strength over everything.

There are five kingdoms; Ice, Water, Fire, Air, Earth. The Ice Kingdom is at peace with all other kingdoms except for one. Their long-lasting quarrel:

The Fire Kingdom.

Years and years ago, the Ice Kingdom and the Fire Kingdom had been at war. Two lovers had started it all. A villager from Ice Kingdom and a villager from Fire Kingdom; the boy from Fire Kingdom snuck into the Ice Kingdom— he tried to.

He tried.

A guard from Ice Kingdom froze him immediately, not letting him sneak by, and they had him locked up in the cells for weeks before finally, all hell broke loose.

A group of Fire Kingdom men came surging in, flames melting ice sculptures and screams and cries as they began burning down wooden houses in the villages. Turned out, the fire boy was a friend of the Fire Kingdom's prince way back then. Turned out that he wasn't too happy about his friend being locked away.

Ice Kingdom declared war then, freezing the mens hands to stop their powers momentarily— just enough to give the boy back and warn them if they ever returned again— warned them, because they never wanted real war. That's why to this day, the war still stands and had never been acted upon.

But the Earth Kingdom had recently sent out invitations to their upcoming ball. They invited all royalty, which clearly included the Fire Kingdom.

Jungkook was terrified of what his parents might would say or do, being so close to such people. They'd never liked the Fire Kingdom for what they had done, and "what they would still do to this day, if they wanted to".

It was just a matter of time.

But the ball was to be attended. The Earth Kingdom is like home to all. The Earth Kingdom was welcoming and always had given the best of the best if they could. They had to attend.

Even if the royal family of the Fire Kingdom would also attend.

Just a matter of time.


is mai writing a fic? 🤭 gasp skshsj

enjoy 💕😅 i dont think this fic will be TOO long so im making these chapters a bit shorter <3


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