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  His suit was very elegant— all white, of course, but his white dress shirt was topped with a handmade ice-blue vest, golden swirls trailed across it as well. He was meant to embody his kingdom, just as his parents and younger brother did as well.

  The Earth Kingdom looked just as earthlike as usual; their castle built upon a mountain and green, green, green everywhere. They had also passed many farms on the way. It's very pretty there.

  The ball was only for royal families. It never usually is, so Jungkook's mother and father were a bit suspicious. They had no reason to be, Jungkook thought. It's just a ball!

  A ball with all sorts of people.

  Immediately upon walking in, it was easy to tell who was from which kingdom— besides their eye color, that is.

  Much like Jungkook's family who wore white and blue, the earth elementals wore greens and browns, air elementals with white and bits of yellow, and water with blue.

  Fire Kingdom must not have arrived yet. There were no reds or oranges to be seen around.

  They were welcomed and introduced to many people, including children who had grown since the last time Jungkook had seen them. The chatting and laughing and feasting were all great— especially the feasting part.

  Still, Jungkook was scared. He'd never met anyone from the Fire Kingdom before.

  It started to sound like a myth, the element. Like it never existed. The stories he had heard made it much worse. The Fire Kingdom is evidently kept to themselves and they're dangerous. The most.

  Once, years and years ago, they'd burned down the Air Kingdom's main town. Sounded too familiar, except they had at least made a truce. Ice Kingdom had not.

  What if issues were caused today? Jungkook didn't want that. Why would he? Why would anyone?

  "Ah, at last! The last arriving element!"

  Jungkook, though he's cold from head to toe, still shivered at the implication behind that sentence. The Fire Kingdom had arrived.

  Red. They wore reds of different shades. The tall man with ashening hair, the little woman who was sort of hunched over as if she was weak, and the second tall guy— the younger guy, red suit and red eyes scanning the room.

  Again, shiver.

  They were decent enough to be welcomed and thank the Earth King for inviting them, but they still looked cold, despite their burning hot strength.

  "Kinda scary."

  Jungkook jumped at the sudden voice— the voice being his brother's. "Ah, um." They looked sharp, but not exactly the scariest. Just tough. "As long as they stay away from us, we'll be okay."

  But the chance of interacting with the royal family was high; because despite his mother and father loathing the kingdom and everything they'd ever done, they told their boys to straighten up and follow them.

  Terrified, again.

  Why would they deliberately go up to greet them if they don't like them? Is it a respect thing? What if something bad happens?!

  When they were close enough, the fire royalty suddenly became taller— except the little lady that his own mother had bowed to. His father shook hands with the Fire King, and all that left was the princes meeting.

  It got worse.

  The king looked intimidating enough as it is, and the little queen was nice enough to greet back as well, but the prince of the Fire Kingdom had literal flames in his eyes the moment they came closer.

Jungkook felt trapped, but his mother urged him forward, towards the prince with glaring eyes.

  "Greet him, son."

  He'd only heard a few things about this prince. Fire Prince, Kim Seokjin. An absolute nightmare, according to what little things he'd heard.

  The prince who has never hesitated to kill, with fire, of course. The prince who catches prisoners and treats them like a cat does a mouse— tortures them to death. The prince with a heart colder than anyone else in the Ice Kingdom.

  Would he be a problem?

  Jungkook was the first to hold his hand out. The prince shortly reached for Jungkook and as soon as their hands met, Jungkook's ice-cold met the fire-hot of the man's skin. He'd also met a tight grip, one that seemed to get hotter and hotter as they shook hands.

Just before he drew his hand back, Prince Seokjin tightened his grip more, burning him. Jungkook glared back at him, his hand slowly becoming cold again as he backed away. The Fire Prince simply smirked.

  "Kim Seokjin. Prince of the Fire Kingdom. Nice to meet you," he then whispered, "Ice Boy."

Ice boy?

  "Jeon Jungkook. Prince of the Ice Kingdom." It took everything in him not to strike the man's eyes with ice. Instead, he muttered back, "I have a name. Use it or don't address me at all."

  It was then that the smirk was wiped off of the prince's face.

  The music they'd been talking over died down. "Welcome, everyone!" It was the Earth King's voice, and it caught the attention of everyone in the ballroom. "Thank you for coming. I want us all to enjoy this lovely time. This is for all elements, united together by nature!"

  Oh, a very lovely time indeed. So, so lovely, with eyes glared into the side of his head; why the hell was he looking at Jungkook like that anyway? Because of what he said? Boo-hoo.

  As if things weren't getting bad already, the Earth Prince made his way over to them, and it seemed as though he'd greet them again, but instead, he said something... odd.

  "Princes. Could you follow me? My father wants to give all of the princes a special gift."

  It seemed so unexpected.

  Why only princes? Not the princesses? Not the kings and queens? Even their parents eyed Prince Namjoon weirdly, but Jungkook was quick to follow, soon followed by his brother and Kim Seokjin.

  They were led down halls and through doors, soon met with a library— why were they brought all the way back here for something like this?

  Still, the princes were all given patches; hand-sewed element symbol patches that could be stitched into their clothing. Nice! Such a nice gift, Jungkook had thought.

  But the more he waited for all of the princes to receive their gifts, he couldn't help but notice the way the Earth King set the fire and ice patches to the side— aside from the one his brother had been given already.

  Jungkook and Seokjin were standing, still waiting. The King had dismissed the rest, but he still had his eyes on the two remaining.

  They were the last three standing there in the library.

  "Prince Kim Seokjin, Prince Jeon Jungkook." The king went behind a wooden desk and plopped down in the wooden chair behind it. "I have an offer for the two of you."


  Of course, it was too good to be true.


an offer 👀 what ever could that be?



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