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  Seokjin was awake next to Jungkook when he opened his eyes. Of course.

  "Morning sunshine."

  Jungkook frowned. His own words were being used against him. Not only that, but his neck felt awful. He'd slept sitting up against the tree.

  "No," he muttered out. He stretched his arms over his head and many of his bones popped in the process.

  "Come on." Seokjin stood up and held his sigil up as well. "We have the sigils, so all we have to do is put these wherever it takes us to and then we have the pendant. Almost done."

  Almost done.

  A part of Jungkook wasn't ready for that. He definitely wasn't ready for a battle to get the treasure. Maybe he never should've agreed to this in the first place.

  It's for his people. He'll win it.

  So, he stood up and followed Seokjin as he started studying the map.



  Jungkook's head fell back and he closed his eyes, grumbling to himself. They'd been looking for the place to insert the sigils for so long. As they looked around, Jungkook finally came up to a big rock that had their symbols on it. It took way too long to find!

  "Oh, finally." Seokjin stepped up to him with his sigil and immediately inserted it under the fire symbol, where there seemed to be a perfect slot. Jungkook followed, not wanting to waste time. He inserted his sigil.

  "Ah, darling!"

  They both jumped in surprise at the sudden voice.

  The voice was the one that Jungkook had heard back when he made the ice stairs at the mountain. This time, Seokjin reacted. Seokjin heard it as well.

  They both looked at each other, quiet as they did, but something caught Jungkook's eye. Quickly, he turned to it. His eyes widened as he so clearly saw a man and woman run up to each other, both eager to wrap their arms around into a tight hug.

  Seokjin saw it too.

  "I thought I would never see you again," the woman cried out into the man's shoulder. The man comforted her only for so long.

  "I am truly sorry." Jungkook felt like he knew what he was witnessing. "This will be our last goodbye, my love." He knew exactly what it was.

  Immediately after the people had vanished right in front of their eyes, Jungkook teared up. If what he thought was true, it was so sad.

  "Why are you crying?"

  He turned to Seokjin and scoffed as he wiped his tears away. "Don't you know? They were in love! It's so awful..."

  The fire boy and ice girl who were in love years and years ago. Jungkook had heard the story, but they'd never mentioned the love that oozed out of the couple. They never mentioned how in love they were with each other.

  It was always "He broke in to see her," "The war between us was that damn fire boy's fault," or "That boy deserved death for causing this war."

  He just wanted to see the woman he loved. Was that so bad?

  "That is not our fault," Seokjin spoke up. Jungkook frowned in return. Such a cruel man. "Come on. We have a pendant to get."

  Right. The last step.

  They're one last step away from getting that pendant; their fight.


uh ohhhh ☺️

Fire and Ice | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now