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  He was given a nice guest bedroom and his guards had been shown assigned rooms as well, but they stayed outside of Jungkook's room, on guard more than they ever had been— because of where they were.

  Just when it seemed like he had finally settled down, he heard a knock on his door. Most likely Seokjin.

  "Come in!" Sure enough, the prince was the one who came through the door. "Dinner already?" Seokjin shook his head, then pulled at a strap over his chest— he was suddenly pulling the map case off of himself and showing it.

  "I've wanted to get another look at this for days now. Don't you?"

  He watched as Seokjin pulled the map out and unrolled it, placing it on the desk in the room. Jungkook went to his own bag of things he'd brought and took out the smaller piece of paper.

  "This magic is insane," he said as he walked over to Seokjin.

  Seokjin didn't say a word. He simply placed his hand on the map, gesturing for the younger to do the same. So, Jungkook did, his hand on the opposite side.

  The fire and ice symbols started to glow first, and then the writing on Jungkook's paper along with the trail marked on the map in black ink.

  "The list," Seokjin muttered, "Read it out to me." His eyes were set on the map as Jungkook held up the paper.

  "There are numbers."

  "Well? Will you read them?"

  "Yes." He nearly wanted to sigh out. He quickly scanned over them to make sure the list was all there. "Okay. Number one— Pass the border."

  "Border... Okay."

  He continued, "Number two— Reach the top of the mountain on the other side of the border."

  Seokjin turned to him. He gave him a questionable look, but the younger merely shrugged. The list wasn't as bad as it may have seemed. It looked quite easy.

  "What's next?"

  "Number three— um. Pass over the lake."

  "Okay, this sounds like a joke." Seokjin took his eyes away from the map once again, this time looking at the piece of paper Jungkook held. Jungkook gladly held it out, proving that he was reading the right words by pointing at them.

  Seokjin shook his head and turned back to the map. "Sounds like we could do this shi- stuff in a day."

  Maybe he was right.

  The list seemed so simple. Pass the border, pass the mountain, pass the lake— like child's play. A game.

  "Number four— Insert the sigils." Sigils were the only part that had Jungkook a bit confused.

  "Hm," Seokjin hummed, "Sigils? That must be the reason for this map. It leads straight, but maybe the top of the mountain has the sigils." He was talking to himself.

vJungkook shrugged. "We'll just have to see."

  "What's the next number?"

  "Number five— the last one— Locate the pendant."

  Seokjin followed the trail on the map. "Last one, hm? That easy?"

  "Yes. That easy."

  He shook his head, then rolled up the map. "There's no way it's that easy." He put the map back in the case. "Thanks for telling me the list, Ice Boy." He smirked. His words came out a bit too pleased, though.

  As Seokjin began to walk away, Jungkook grabbed at the case to stop him. Seokjin turned to him with furrowed eyebrows and a grip just as tight as his.

  "Hold on. You're planning to leave before me, aren't you?"

  Seokjin huffed. "Don't worry about what I do." He tried to pull the case back, but Jungkook pulled even harder, causing it to slip from the Fire Prince's hands.

  He backed away, turned towards the bed to run and get away with it, but Seokjin was just as quick to block his way, that same red-hot gaze in his eyes.

  "Give it to me."

  He stole it back by chance. He then tried to get away as well, but Jungkook tripped him by the back of his left foot while also pushing hard onto the older's chest, Seokjin slamming down onto the floor with a huff.

  He hissed out of frustration and pain, but Jungkook ignored it and went for the case. Seokjin noticed his reach, so he held the case further away.


  Jungkook tried to get it, but the other prince dragged him down with him, letting the tube roll out of his hands.

  He was now halfway on top of Seokjin, his chest in the older's face and his hands desperately reaching for the case. It was too quick as it rolled under the bed.

  Even if he had reached the tube, Seokjin gripped tight onto his hips and forced him down and away from it. The harsh grip was sure to leave a mark— but so was Seokjin's fall.

  "I'll burn your whole fucking kingdom down, Ice Boy," Seokjin said through gritted teeth as Jungkook froze the older's hand to the floor— it did not help much due to Seokjin's quick reflex to yank himself out of the hold.

  "I'll freeze your whole fucking family's hearts if you touch my kingdom."

  Seokjin again smirked. "Go ahead and try that."

  He pushed Jungkook off of him, but the younger took it as an advantage to stand up quicker, this time holding his hands out and sending ice to cover Seokjin's legs and make him stay put for longer.

  "We have to work together!" he groaned. "You think Mother Nature calls for one out of two of us? There's a reason we both need to go. So go ahead and try to go without me." He froze Seokjin's legs more as he tried to burn the ice off, the melting of ice now on the floor.

  "Stop fucking freezing me!"

  "Stop trying to steal the pendant, you greedy fucker! Nothing but a greedy traitor, you are."

  Seokjin narrowed his eyes and lit a fire in his hands, the blaze daring as he made eye contact with Jungkook.

  "Fine," he let out, "but you're fucking done for when we get there. Just you wait, Jeon Jungkook. I'll make you so weak that you won't even be able to walk back into your kingdom."

  Jungkook huffed.

  "We'll just see about that."


yes, we'll see 😶


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