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The walk back was almost completely silent— other than a few words that were said here-and-there.

They went around the lake instead of over it, so it would take a bit longer for them to get back. But even after that and even after quietly taking shelter for one last time together, the walk back seemed shorter than the first time.

Jungkook sort of didn't want to let it go.

After they would get back to their guards, they'd go home. They'd split off with their people and they would leave it at that. Nothing more.

What were they going to tell their parents? The pendant..? Oh, I died, but Prince Seokjin used the wish to save me because he thought I was frustrating.. in a "good way"?

What the hell could he say?

He thought about that the whole way. And he thought about the warm kiss on his cheek a little too much as well. Seokjin may have been a cruel man, but he was right. Whatever he was thinking, he was right; he and Jungkook completed each other.

It's almost too cheesy to say, but Seokjin had been humbled and Jungkook had been pushed further— something they both needed.

It sucked to be coming to the end of their journey.


They were walking between the cliff walls— the last hundreds of steps to the end, number one sight on their list. They'd made it back too soon. It was Seokjin who told Jungkook to wait. It was Seokjin who was suddenly grabbing onto Jungkook's hand and stopping him. They'd walked closer, brushing arms most of the way. The warmth had felt good for once.

"Yes?" Jungkook questioned why he was being stopped now. Seokjin pulled his hand forward a bit.

He stepped up to Seokjin, gulping as his hand was released and Seokjin's hands were cupping his cheeks instead. His forehead pressed against Seokjin's in the most breathtaking way. They were so close.

"I can't just let us walk away like this," the older whispered. "I mean— I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really don't want to leave you. Not at all."

Jungkook's heart sank in his chest. "Me neither..."

Seokjin's nose brushed up against his. He held his breath, gently tugging at Seokjin's shirt to pull him in. To his surprise, Seokjin went through with it. He went through with setting his heartlessness to the side and he brought Jungkook in as well, closing the gap between them.

Jungkook held tighter onto the shirt as Seokjin's lips met his own.

Warm. So warm.

Their lips softened into each other, but it was Jungkook who pulled away from the kiss after so long of taking it in. He held onto Seokjin's arm, pulling it away.

"What... What are we doing? We can't just..."

Seokjin frowned. "I know." His hands fell to Jungkook's small waist. "But aren't you ready to end this war?"

End the war? How?

"You'rewilling to try that?"

Seokjin nodded, so sure of himself. "You may not know or feel this Jungkook, but it feels like a sin to leave you like this. It just does." He reached for Jungkook's hands again. "If you're willing to give it a chance, then so am I. Honest."

How could he say such things?

Since when did he turn into this? Perhaps it was the lake incident? Or was it because of the couple they'd seen? The battle?

Or was it because he's just like Jungkook, who had also been thinking about how badly he didn't want to leave him the entire walk back?

They were about to split apart. He'd be lying to say he didn't want Seokjin to stay.

So, he lifted his hands to Seokjin's neck and pulled him in again. He kissed him softer, slower. Much gentler than he'd ever meant to. When he pulled away, Seokjin had pure amusement filled in his chocolate eyes. He knew Jungkook's answer.

"Let's end this war."


💕 the end

hi hi i didn't want to make this fic too long and complicated bc ... i didn't want to LMAO but i hope you enjoyed! thank you for reading <3


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