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Their usual big meals sat at a long dining table was turned into munching on bread and jam for Jungkook, and surprisingly the same for Seokjin. They both packed the simplest thing they could think of; the same exact thing.

"That's a nice meal you've got yourself."

Seokjin chomped down onto his bread, making his mouth full— probably so he didn't have to respond to Jungkook. He wouldn't doubt so. But Seokjin soon swallowed. "Could say the same to you, Ice Boy."

Ugh. Ice Boy.

"I cannot believe you thought that spending half the day sitting under this tree would be fine for us."

They couldn't find any nice shelter, so they sat against a big tree and Jungkook created a wall of ice around them to keep any wandering critters away from them.

Seokjin was the one who decided to let Jungkook rest— surprisingly, again. But the more they sat there, the more bored Jungkook got and the more he felt the need to at least chat.

"Would you rather I win the fight later on?" Seokjin questioned through his chews. "Besides, you should be thanking me. I'm giving you a chance."

He's giving Jungkook a chance, huh?

Fire may be one of the most dangerous elements— if not the most— but ice is up on that list as well. Ice may even be better than fire in some ways, so he's one to talk.

"Let's just sleep early," he muttered as he finished off his bread. "We can wake up early and go." He pulled the blanket and pillow out of his bag again— he only brought those and bread with jam. The sigil didn't fit in the bag.

Seokjin quietly did the same as him.

They were laid closer this time due to the small wall Jungkook had to make. It wasn't ideal at all, but at the same time, it felt a bit... safer?

The rock opening they slept under the first night was so open. Jungkook felt naked and exposed. As if he was almost alone out there. Under the tree with the wall closing them in and with Seokjin close to him, he felt like he could relax a bit more.

It was the wall's doing.

That was a lie.

Jungkook just felt better feeling that he's not alone! He felt a bit better about being able to close his eyes knowing that the silence was a choice and not something he was left with on default.

The sun hadn't even set yet and he knew his energy had been spent, but he wasn't sleepy just yet. He guessed maybe Seokjin wasn't either.

He turned over to look at the older, who was laid back on his blankets and staring up at the sky, head rested on his pillow and bread still hovering over his lips as he chewed more. He was still eating.

"What kind of jam is that?

Seokjin turned to Jungkook, his cheeks full and eyebrow raised. Then his eyes averted back to his bread "Um. Apple flavor."


"Yes," the prince muttered, "I started eating it recently. Tastes alright."

Alright? Why didn't he bring something better than just alright?

Jungkook brought strawberry jam. Everyone had been making it lately— his mother does a lovely job making it, always glad to do so. She's no typical queen, in Jungkook's eyes; in the entire kingdom's eyes.

Every time the strawberries are delivered from the Earth Kingdom's villagers, she seems so pleased. The guy who delivers them is always just as pleased, giving her a huge box-like grin.

"Don't you like strawberry?"

"Apple is fine," the older said just before taking another bite. He still had half of his bread left. "Reminds me of apple pie, like mother makes."

Jungkook sat up. This gained an odd look from Seokjin, but he brushed it off. "Can I try it?"

The look turned into a scoff, a hard stare. "You just ate yours. Why would I let you try it anyway?"

"Look around you." Jungkook held his hand out as if he was introducing the wall that surrounded them. "I helped you much more than I should have today. I believe I deserve it, Fire Boy."

Seokjin narrowed his eyes at him.

Even with the glare, he tore off the bottom of his bread and held it out to Jungkook. He gladly took the food, eager to have gotten it out of him.

When he put it in his mouth, Seokjin watched for his reaction. The taste was okay, but it was nothing like the strawberry jam.

"It is just alright."

Seokjin hummed, "I told you so. You wasted my food just to insult it."

"Good," the younger said as he laid back down. "I'll sleep peacefully with that on my mind."

Seokjin huffed, but Jungkook had turned over and closed his eyes, glad that his back was to him. He felt like he'd just found a treasure by that alone.


Waking up, Jungkook was warm.

His eyes fluttered open, noticing how dark it was outside. Insects were going wild around them and the moon lit enough for Jungkook to see the glistening of his ice wall.

He held his breath, though, as he realized that he shouldn't be so warm at all. Not only had the sun not even risen yet, but he's cold at heart! Cold everywhere!

It took the slightest itty-bitty move for Jungkook to feel that something— someone was pressed up against him. Seokjin was pressed up against him.

Seokjin was creating that same warmth from last time. Not hot and not cold; warm. It felt nice, but it also had Jungkook holding his breath for too long, shaky as he exhaled.

He slowly pulled away— very slowly.

When he got away from the slight weight of Seokjin huddled against him, he sat up and turned to look at him.

His eyes were closed, eyebrows furrowed, and he had his hands raised to Jungkook's pillow, holding onto it. His legs were covered by his blanket, but Jungkook had felt his knees pushed against his legs as well.

But in his sleep, Seokjin looks so... peaceful. It's strange.

"Wake up, sunshine."

Seokjin's eyebrows came even closer and his eyes blinked open, soon squinting up at Jungkook. His words were enough to wake the older up.

Seokjin looked around a bit confused as he realized he was so close to Jungkook's side. Jungkook simply stood up and avoided his stare, ignoring the fact.

"Let's go. I want to head to the creek and wash off before we go."

They had seen a creek when they searched for shelter, just around the way. So, Seokjin sat up and grumbled to himself as he started to gather his things to set off yet again.

"How do you plan to wash?"

Jungkook shoved his pillow into his bag and then threw it over his shoulder. "With your eyes closed and your back turned to me. Just a quick rinse and we'll be on our way in no time."

"Uh-huh." Seokjin packed his bag as well. "Let's just hurry on."

"Will do, Your Highness."


ouuu how will that go? 🤭😏


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