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  The worst part about their journey— besides having to be with Prince Seokjin— was the fact that they had to walk the entire path.

  They left early the next morning after having a nice, big dinner. Jungkook packed his own food for the way, along with the guards as well. To hell with whatever Seokjin chose to bring or not to bring.

  "We're almost there."

  Seokjin had the map in his hands.

  He had studied the map the night before, but Jungkook still occasionally placed his hand onto it just to make sure they were headed to the right starting point.

  Sure enough, they were brought to two long cliff-like walls— just as the map showed. It looked like one huge mountain that had been split into a straight path. Like Mother Nature herself had done so.

  "It's so pretty," Jungkook muttered as they came up to the opening. Of course, he was in awe. They'd never explored these areas.

  The area was right between the Fire and Ice Kingdoms, so neither kingdom had ever dared to cross the line— they never even went miles north or south to each other. They either go behind their kingdom or to the side. Never near the other.

  Not until recently.

  "We start here."

  Jungkook and Seokjin's guards followed closely behind, both separated just as the princes were.

  But as they got closer to the entrance of the path of cliff walls, something felt odd. Jungkook started to feel a bit grounded. Like he was getting slower and it was getting harder to walk.

  "Uh." He glanced over at Seokjin, who seemed to be feeling it for himself as well.

  "You feel that too—?"

  The ground suddenly started shaking.

  They both immediately turned to look at the guards, who were all abruptly being trampled away with a heavy wind. The wind was so strong that they were pushed back, worry and fear building up in Jungkook's heavy chest.

  "W-What's going on?"

  The guards were helpless as they were pushed away, fierce as some of them landed on their backs and lost their helmets, even.

  But Seokjin and Jungkook weren't having that problem. They were just stuck where they were.

  When the guards were far enough away, the shaking of the ground was turned into a loud crack. The sound of the tall grass breaking apart, roots being jerked, and the ground splitting in half right before them.

  The earth had split just enough to warn the guards to not come any further. Jungkook understood instantly.

  "They can't come with us."

  Seokjin scoffed. "Like hell, I'll be left alone with you. I don't care. Guards, just walk around the—"

  The wind picked up again, this time both Seokjin and Jungkook getting hit with it.

  The suddenness of it had both of them falling back, grunting as they fell, and the guards were also being pushed even further away. Mother Nature didn't like Seokjin's tone.

  "We have to go alone!" Jungkook yelled over the ceasing of air. He slowly stood back up and started wiping dirt off of him, as did Seokjin. "This is meant for us alone. We have to let them go."

  The head guard was the one who spoke this time, "Your Highness, we simply cannot do that."

  Jungkook raised an eyebrow at him. "You will. Find safety here and we'll be back in less than a week, I hope. If a week and a half passes by and I haven't arrived, then you can come forth. For now, stay."

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