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  Again, they walked.

  This walk wasn't as far as the one to the mountain or the one to the lake, but it was a walk nonetheless.

  Trees lasted for miles and tall grass brushed against their legs the whole way. So, when they were met with another mountainous barrier, Seokjin took out the map and studied it for a moment.

  "Where do we go now?"

  Seokjin glanced back at him before slowly rolling the map back up. "We're here."


  Jungkook looked around, seeing that there was nothing much around them. A grass field caught his eye, though. He felt that the field would be perfect for their battle— right?

  But as he started walking towards it, he noticed yet another rock statue. This statue was hard to tell what it was as it was too far away, but it was definitely placed there for a reason.

  "It's there."

  Seokjin turned to him, then his shoulders dropped. "Oh."

  All that walking finally had a purpose. Jungkook got faster and faster with each step he took towards the statue. The closer he got, the more he realized that it was a regular sphere-shaped rock. A rock so perfectly set in front of the opening.

  When he tried to get closer for a look, he was met with another invisible border that surrounded it. He had learned; he didn't bounce back off of the border in a hurry this time.

  "Come here," he told Seokjin, who was so unhurried, to have been so greedy thinking about the pendant's value just days before.

  The rock had a hole in the middle of it.

  The hole was dark and it seemed perfect for someone's hand to reach into. Jungkook wanted the pendant so badly. He felt like he'd already won just by being so close to it. It would be his.

  When Seokjin was finally close enough, Jungkook reached for his hand, seeming more eager than the older. He brought both of his hands up with Seokjin's, then pressed them up against the border.

  The same glow from the wall before had shined so beautifully around the rock statue, except this time it was glowing in and out from red to white.

  Jungkook pressed onto Seokjin's hand even harder. He was practically begging for the pendant now.

  He'd come so far for it.

  The things he'd do with it. Oh, the joy his parents would have. The joy from the kingdom. Everything would be so great if he had that pendant. He didn't even care what it looked like— still doesn't know.

  When the glow finally faded away, it was Jungkook that stepped forward first.


  He stepped up to the hole and reached into it, gasping as his fingers brushed against the smallest pendant and chain. Quickly, he pulled it out and held it up to see it. Seokjin was behind him as well, watching.

  The necklace he was now holding was gold. A beautiful ruby had been placed so neatly inside of it— it was somewhat small, but it was such a pretty necklace. Such a stunning thing, it was.

  "Are you ready?"

  Jungkook's throat closed up at Seokjin's voice. No, he wasn't ready. But with the necklace in his hands and the importance of it— the fact that it was a real thing— kept Jungkook's confidence high.

  "I'm ready."

  Without even a second thought, Seokjin lit the entire field to flames and within mere seconds— before Jungkook could even gasp— the field's grass had been wiped away, turned into ashes.

Fire and Ice | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now