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  With the gift came a few issues.

  Jungkook's parents did not like the idea at all. He had told them about what happened in the Earth King's library and that he was meant to meet with Prince Seokjin within the next few days.

They'd told him no, he couldn't do something like that no matter how wonderful the reward would be, but Jungkook insisted and told them that he had already made the deal, which would only cause more problems if he changed his word. They still looked at him in disapproval.

  He told them that he'd be okay. Told them that he'd be back in no time, that the list didn't seem hard to follow— he'd be back home in a few days!

  But with the deal had come something that even Jungkook didn't feel too comfortable about doing; he and his guards would have to stay a night in the Fire Kingdom so that they could set out early the next morning.

  He was more worried about going into the Fire Kingdom— he'd be so obvious there. Would they look at him weirdly? Cause troubles? Wouldn't it be strange to see the Ice Prince there?

  Prince Seokjin couldn't stay in the Ice Kingdom, though. He would probably freeze too much. Jungkook can handle the heat, but Seokjin would most likely take affect by the ice-cold of their kingdom.

  So, Jungkook and his guards headed out north a few days later.

  He'd never seen the Fire Kingdom in person. What he imagined was fire and lava and all red skies. Imagined skulls hanging from dead trees and blood scattered on the walls surrounding the kingdom.

  He imagined a bit stereotypically.

  The kingdom was actually quite greyed-out. The wall surrounding the kingdom was grey, surrounded by their armored guards, and fire was spread along the top of the border for extra protection.

  At the gate, Jungkook and his guards were welcomed in. They were expected to come.

  There was a moat along the outside of the wall— they walked a bridge to cross it— but the moat was not filled with water. Instead, it was covered in stone spikes that would surely kill anyone simply thrown in. It made Jungkook shudder as they crossed by.

  The towns were built with stone. Grey. Everything looked lifeless, but the people in the towns were either chatting away, had children playing around, or they had their uncertain eyes on the Ice Prince as he passed by in his carriage.

  It didn't seem too different from the Ice Kingdom other than the quiet stares and the dull monotonous colors. It wasn't burning hot like the hell he'd imagined. The temperature felt fine— not his usual cold, though.

  Instead of fire and lava all over the place, the buildings and homes were lit by lanterns. Common lighting. Everything was too normal. By the things Jungkook had heard, he thought there would be much more... death-like things..?

  This isn't hell.

  This is a kingdom lit by fire and had the color sucked out of it.

  The castle was big, stone as well, and it had a much more firey glow to it than the rest of the kingdom. The pillars had been topped with fire and there was an endless blaze spread out across the balconies and walls.

  It's no wonder why they couldn't use anything except for stone to build.

  The inside of the castle was less dull, more decorated. The only fire was from lanterns on the wall, and he was brought to a huge staircase immediately.

  His guards stepped a bit to the side.

  At the top of the stairs, the Fire King, Fire Queen, and Prince Seokjin stood there.

  "Prince Jeon Jungkook," the king greeted, his voice a bit low and raspy. He's quite old.

  "Your Majesties."

  Jungkook lowered his head into a bow as the king stepped down the stairs— followed by the other two. "I hear you plan to set out with my son tomorrow morning?"

  Jungkook accepted the king's hand as he held it out to him, shaking it. His grip was firm. "Yes, sir. I do plan to do so." The king smiled at him, a bit crooked as he did. Jungkook didn't question such a small detail.

  "Well. We welcome your stay for the night, then."

  "Thank you, sir."

  The king turned to Seokjin as Jungkook was greeted by the tiny queen as well. She seemed fragile, but her smile was a bit more friendly than the king or the prince.

  "Son," the king uttered. "He is your guest. Come closer."

  Jungkook could see it in Seokjin's eyes, that the prince was already irritated. He made his way to Jungkook and held his hand out to shake. Again, Jungkook found himself doing so, shaking hands with the prince.

  "Prince Jungkook."

  "Your Highness."

  Something in Seokjin's eyes flickered at Jungkook's stern voice.

  "We'll set out in the morning," he told Jungkook, ignoring it. "You and your guards enjoy your night stay. Mother has requested a dinner just for you," he then whispered, "so you better thank her."

  Jungkook released the tightening warm hold and backed away, flustered by the way Seokjin had whispered so lowly into his ear. He quickly bowed to the queen and king.

  "Ah, dinner! Thank you, of course. I truly appreciate the meal."

  The king chuckled. "I'd let you starve if it weren't for her." His voice sounded light and playful, yet his words... "I'm joking, of course." Joking, sure. Okay. That's okay.

  Seokjin kept his mouth shut and the queen waved her husband off.

  "Seokjin will be informing you when dinner time comes," she spoke softly. "Carry Prince Jungkook and his guards up their rooms! Prince Jungkook, we shall see you in a while, yes?"

  "Yes. Of course.."

  The queen hummed as she and the king turned back to the stairs. Jungkook watched as they slowly disappeared and a butler came up to him, ready to take him to his room.

  He couldn't take his eyes away from Seokjin though, as the older prince made his way in the opposite direction— away from the stairs. He wondered where he was going if the bedrooms were upstairs.

  Still, he followed the butler.


i split this update into two chapters so it continues into the next ⬇️


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