Over My Shoulder

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"Are you okay?" The doctor asked once they returned.

"Yeah of course" He smiled giving a small shrug "Just strange to see him " He says honestly before thinking, "Can we go when I was 16 now, Bullies and coming out to someone I thought was a friend made me feel awful, Plus my voice broke and I didnt know if I could sing anymore," He says judging how the doctor responded to him coming out, He had taken note of the multicolored coat in the wardrobe.

"No problem and I can tell your wondering how I am on the matter, Well Timelords are mostly gender-fluid sense we can regenerate into whatever, most of us are pansexual too" The doctor explained giving him a brief understanding of Timelords their views "let's go cheer you up then" he smiled setting the TARDIS to the date Mika added.

The doctor had come to like Mika but was still concerned That something would go wrong and he could get hurt. This wasn't the simple stuff he did.

Mika paused as he noticed they were in the school as much as he preferred this school to some he didn't really want to go back and the memories brought back felt odd. He knew however that he would be in the bathroom crying. He headed in making so no one noticed or was around he didn't want to feel like a creep "Mika" He says Softly.

"You came," The young boy said excited yet somber "I didn't think you cared anymore I wanted you all week," he says upset.

"I know and I'm sorry but today was the right time I know the bullies have been hurting you but you cant listen to the you're stronger than that and I know Words hurt but they also have power"

"Power for what I can't sing anymore" the young Mika pouted upset.

"Of Course, you can, You just need to learn how to use your voice again but it'll come to you," He says honestly not wanting to force himself but wanting him to be able to figure out how to learn again.

"I think I can try" he nodded before pausing " I'm scared, of telling my family I don't want them to hate me everyone else does when I tell them why do I feel like this."

Mika paused thinking back to his family "You don't have to tell them right away but know that they will love you and you will find someone that loves you for you too, That makes every moment special, that you can't wait to get home with to snuggle with him and the dogs after a long day" Mika says smiling at the thought of Andy He did miss him with all this traveling not just with the Doctor but as a while, They were both busy

"I don't want a dog, I like my rabbits" The young Mika tried to smile

"Maybe one day you'll change your mind but don't ever pretend to be something you not, you might want to but it won't make you happy and you have to learn to love yourself first and then you'll find the friends who care," Mika said he knew it was hard to tell his younger self tis but also knew it was something he would always remember.

"But Even my friends call me a fag when I told them, Laura did today" The young Mika responded he didn't want friends like that.

"Laura is an ass who has a crush on you and is disappointed that she can't be with you so reacted horribly," He says, He remembered that Laura would later apologize but That didn't make up for what she said, They didn't become friends again after

The young Mika frowned "How do you know this?"

"Girls are predictable" He lied not wanting to tell him the truth he also glazed over at the doctor who shook his head in agreement.

"But Things will get better even if everyone hates me now," The young Mika said looking down awkwardly.

"Things will be better but you need to figure out yourself before, you are more important than friendships and finding someone and I'm sure not everyone hates you, I'm sure one day, you'll have more friends than you know what to do with and you'll be happy" Mika laughed slightly knowing that was how he felt nowadays it was a jumble knowing so many people cared for him.

"I hope so and I hope I can sing as you said, Singing makes me happy," The young Mika said with a smile, "I wrote a song just now but Haven't tried singing it yet" The young boy added.

"Maybe you should try once I've left," Mika said he wanted to stay and listen to himself but knew that his emotions would give too much away.

"Thank you for talking to me Sir " He added as he watched the tall man leave, releasing he still had no name.

Mika got up walking out the bathroom as the doctor followed "I'm sorry that you felt like that on top of what you've already been through" The doctor says which surprised Mika he hadn't really seen kindness properly from him

"Thank you, But Life is like that and I'm happy now that's what important just a lot of emotions and old feelings," He said paying as he heard the young boy through the doorway giving himself a chance to try and sing, Mika wiped his eyes hearing himself sing the first note of Over my Shoulder before following the Doctor back to the Tardis. 

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