Coming Out and Italian

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After Dropping Paloma back surprisingly on time, Mika wondered if he should go home and explain everything to Andy but also thought he would be able to tell him soon there weren't too many more things he needed to see. Seeing Andy Had made him miss him but he was also enjoying this easily since seeing what It would be like truly, the glimpse had made him want to stay "That was a one-time thing we aren't taking any more family members" The Doctor frowned he shouldn't have done that but He understood Why Mika needed it, the family was complicated. He knew that. "So what's next?" The Doctor soon asked him getting used to this.

"Do you have a family?" Mika wondered.

"Not anymore," the Doctor says simply not expanding on the subject more.

"Right August 2012 just after I came out publicly" Mika nodded, holding on making sure he didn't fall, why did his ship have to be so aggressive about its traveling.

Mika soon walked out looking round to where he was "Mika" He says walking through his London house "Oh hi, I guess I have been thinking a lot about the future "

"You worried people will hate you now that no one will work with you" Mika asked 

"Yes but I'm glad I came out It's not worth hiding especially knowing I'm happy"

"Andy" He smirked Mika gave a smile nodding

"I guess I'm still with him You wouldn't be so happy saying his name if we'd broken up"

"Maybe I'm a good actor" he smiled at himself teasing 

"Not too sure about that" The younger self noted but he knew he could tell "So will people hate me"

"Some, but most stay, most don't give a shit in some ways your better for it, it's just scary now"

"Yeah, I feel like every interview whats to know I just want to focus on the album but I guess the hair is a distraction too"

"At least you don't have that pink streak."

"Oh God that was awful" They both laughed at their decision.

"But you're growing it out again I see."

"Wasn't able to go to a hairdresser so I'm happy with it like this again" He says with a shrug. He knew that might sound confusing. "Just know, be happy and be proud of yourself, you'll hear things but it's not worth it," He told himself he knew there wasn't much to say. Sometimes things were difficult but he needed to remember to never change.

"Good luck with X factor" He added with a smirk.

"It's just a performance," Mika says confused he was promoting the album "I'll be fine" he shrugged.

"I know but just think about what they offer after, Ciao," Mika says simply walking back to the Tardis "You know Italian," The Doctor asked "The Translation system didn't change that for you"

"Not yet," Mika says simply to the Doctor "Speaking of that's next X factor auditions 2013, Wait there are translators"

"Of Course how else do you think we understand aliens," The Doctor says simply

"Right" Mika nodded surprised "Can you make sure it doesn't translate for him next time"

The doctor nodded making sure he could change the settings as they arrived in Rome

Mika walked through the familiar hallways backstage to his changing room hoping not to bump into anyone, knowing he would be alone as he walked in "Mika I know you are stressed it'll be okay"

"Yeah, I'm just going to make a fool of myself on TV. Why did I agree to this, I can't speak Italian," The young Mika said quickly.

"ci vuole pratica" Mika spoke in Italian (You just Need Pratice )

"I need to know now practice won't help me mess up on tv," The Young Mika said

"Alla gente piacciono davvero i tuoi errori" Mika continued waiting for it to click (People really like your mistakes)

"So I'm just a laughing stock, great maybe I should give up" the younger man sighed over dramatically 

"Non mollare, presto lo parlerai perfettamente, bene quasi" Mika said needing to be honest with himself he still made mistakes sometimes (Don't give up, you will soon speak it perfectly)

"How do you know, Wait..." The Younger man paused "I've always been fine understanding but I understand you, you're speaking Italian, you aren't scared about how your sounding?"

"esattamente che significa..." Mika smirked letting the younger self understand. (Exactly Which Means)

"Which means I will be able to speak it eventually" The young Mika sighs "Even if It takes me 10 years"

"Non ti ci vorranno 10 anni" (It won't take you 10 years) Mika says honestly giving him a smile "L'Italia ti amerà in ogni caso" (Italy will love you either way)

Mika smiled watching him briefly before leaving. heading back to the Tardis The Doctor had begun to trust he wasn't going to do anything universe breaking.


Any Italian Is Google translated 

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