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Mika Knew Paloma would be with him, his memories of himself were still slow to come back but He remembered her being there, That he was confident that she was okay, not just because of the Doctors. It was just convincing his sister to join that was challenging.

"So you're telling me, Your Imaginary Friend from when you were a kid is real and is taking you to significant Moments in your life, you know how you sound," Paloma said both concerned and confused.

"I know how it sounds but just walk in you'll know I'm not lying."

Paloma raised an Eyebrow "Are you high Mika, Is Oil not enough that you've gone straight to the Source are you taking Cannabis, is this your dealer" She asked pointing to the Doctor.

"Your sister's Fiesty" The Doctor smirked "Just walk in Ma'am You'll see that your brother isn't as Insane as he sounds"

Paloma shook her head but decided to humor them walking inside the TARDIS before walking out and around the blue box.

"Okay, maybe you are not insane but still don't explain what you need me to come with you." She says confused and slightly disorientated  

"Paloma why else would I need you, what other reason would I need to show my younger self that your here...That you're alive" Mika says softly not looking at her
"The next thing is That, you're not going back to watch, You can't do that, to me or to yourself."

"Of Course not I would never do that to you," Mika says softly even if she was older Mika was always, even before, been protective of her. "Back at my apartment when I was thinking about leaving, I remember knowing you would be safe not just because The Doctors said you were fine, that you were stable but I have this hazy vision of seeing you, of you telling me things would be okay. The Doctor explains that I'm not meant to remember any of this that's it's locked till it happens again but since being with him I have these faint memories" Mika tried to explain.

"Fine I'll come with you." she sighs softly, But back before Beaugard Wakes up

"Of Course " The Doctor nodded.

They soon arrived in 2010 Mika stood outside his apartment He thought about knocking but remembered how scared of knocks he would be, the fear of something happening, that Paloma would be truly dead if he knocked so instead he just walked in "Mika" he says softly "I know you're going through a lot..." Mika said before hearing his own angry voice.

"Why didn't you tell me, you should have warned me," he said upset and angry

"You know I can't do that, I can't change things" Mika sighed. 

"You wouldn't change this, She might die or at least be unable to do anything herself, she so frail or did 12 years just make you forget how broken she looks?"

"I will never forget how she looked, How I wanted to replace her pain that it could be me lying in that bed not her Mika said feeling his handshake

"I can't sleep without seeing her lying there, you could have pretended this, you could have told me to make sure she didn't move there," the younger man said scared.

"She's stubborn she wouldn't have listened no matter how much we tried, but I promise you she will be okay," Mika told her looking back at the door

"How can I believe you, How do I know you're not just telling me what I want to hear," The Young man asked.

"Because I am okay," Paloma said walking through the door, The Young Mika just started at her walking over slowly "Y...Your okay" He says trying hard not to cry.

"He knew You wouldn't believe him unless you saw me," Paloma says softly

"Your okay<" He repeated simply hugging her tight

Mika, Himself started to cry he wasn't exactly sure what it was but seeing the scene in front of him was what he needed, He knew he'd forget this once they left but he was happy now for a little bit and he knew he needed that

"I can't say anything else but I'm okay that's what's important"

The younger Mika looked at his computer "I guess I can go knowing you'll be okay."

"Montreal?" Mika smirked

"I just need to get away I know that will make it seem like I'm running away but I can't think, worrying about you or..." the young Mika looked at Paloma unsure

"Meet me back with the Doctor, I know you know now but He won't talk about this now," he said giving his sister a hug as she left.

I know I've probably told her in your time but It's all still confusing telling them confidently, I know they probably all figured it out" The young Mika Knew honestly but talking about his love life around family wasn't right now.

"Who Says I haven't married a woman?" Mika smirked "Paloma is the most accepting you know, well after Fortune but that took more time" he smiled honestly thinking "What's wrong with Andy?" He knew Of Course but needed to hear it

"He's trying to fix things that can't be fixed, I can't help If I don't love him, Sure he's a goods time we have fun but I don't love him"

Mika smiled at himself it hurt that he once thought that "A break is what you need, Time for writing, to understand what you need" He knew he loved Andy but right now to him it was just fun sex and Andy said He loved him had freaked him out. "You'll figure out what you want it just takes muffins"

"Muffins?" Mika asked confused.

"Muffins" Mika confirmed as he left the room leaving himself to ponder before walking into someone "Mika Please talk to me"

"Andy?" Mika said confused he hadn't remembered seeing him until after Montreal, he must have turned him away now himself.

"He doesn't want to see you," Mika says he knew he wouldn't understand but he could explain it in the present day

"He? Why are you speaking in the third person" Andy asked confused and annoyed at the joke

"It's complicated and I promise one day I'll tell you but you have to wait and you can't ask me about this, but I Don't want to see you."
"Really, I told you I loved you, I keep telling you that but you are always distant and then after drinks, you said it took but deny it and break up with me and then you text me saying that it's just the alcohol talking that you just love me if your drunk and that you don't want to see me"

"Go, Home Andy, I need time, I need to think about us, about Paloma and I can't do that with you here "

"Whatever you're a bastard you know," Andy said as he walked away.

Mika hated this but knew once he was back from traveling he'd explain this to Andy that he really did love him. He knew he was a bastard but they were each other's Bastards.   

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