Chapter Two

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(*Two hours later...*)

(*8:44 am*)

Suzy: *is now dressed and ready* Hi girls!

KellerSinger18: Hi Suzy.

Suzy: Is my Foxy awake yet?

Me: No, I think he and the others are still asleep.

(*At that moment, Vinnie comes into the room after just waking up wearing a set of black pants and a pink tank top*)

Vinnie: Morning, girls. 🥱

Suzy, Eli, Vixen91, and KellerSinger18: Morning!

Anubis: Daddy! *runs to Vinnie and hugs his legs*

Suzy: Aww!

Vinnie: *combs his hair, and looks down with a chuckle* Hi Anubis. Daddy needs to get ready so we can go to the airport.

Vixen91: Aww. He's so sweet.

Vinnie: *picks up a package of makeup remover and wipes the smudged makeup from his face*

Anubis: *makes grabbing gestures with his hands* Daddy! Upie!

Vinnie: *is trying to put on his mascara while looking at the vanity mirror* Just a minute, Anubis.

Anubis: *whines and starts to cry*

Vinnie: *finishes putting his mascara on* *chuckles* Okay, okay. I'll pick you up.

(*The Ankh Warrior picks up Anubis and holds him in his arms, and then sits down next to me on the bed, and lets Anubis sit down in his lap*)

Eric Carr: *comes into the room after taking a quick shower* Hey Vinnie, can I borrow some of your hairspray? I seem have run out.

Suzy: Aww! You don't have to make your big hair all poofy. We can just get some more at the mall.

Eric Carr: Nooo! *laughs* I need it! This floof doesn't fluff itself, ya know?

Anubis: *plays with Vinnie's pink gorgeously manicured nails*

Vinnie: *gently moves Anubis's hands away* Please don't do that. I just painted them.

Me: Whoa! What adorable pink nails you have Vinnie.

Vinnie: *blushes* Aw, thank you, sweetie.

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