Chapter Thirty-Two

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Me: We've got TWO more dares/truths before we get to do the the FINAL chapter of this book, and then I'll move on to start writing Book #34!

(*All the Kiss guys are whooping with joy and the girls are clapping their hands in applause*)

Me: And for those of you who don't know, we do a big dare at the very end of this book to make it even more hilarious!

Paul: *chuckles* Oh boy...

Vinnie: She's going to be the death of me. 😅

Anubis: *giggles*

Me: Anyway, let's continue with this last dare before we get to the final chapter of this book.

Suzy: And this dare is for all of your guys! We girls would love it if you tried on these outfits. *gives all nine of the KISS guys their outfits*

Tommy: Um...What are these supposed to be for exactly?

Me: *snickers to myself quietly* You'll see! Now, I want all of you guys to stand together in a line next to those targets that are on the floor over there.

(*All nine of the KISS guys stand together in a line next to the targets that are on the floor*)

KellerSinger18: Now, just wait there while we go and get everything ready.

All nine of the KISS guys: Okay!

(*After the girls leave the living room of the spare building to go and get what they needed, all the KISS guys start to feel like something epic is about to happen*)

Ace: I don't know about you guys, but I have a bad feeling about this.

Vinnie: *can hear me giggling from the spare building basement* Mmhm.

Gene: But we don't even know what's going on.

Paul: Chill out, you guys. I'm sure the girls just want us to do a photoshoot or someone.



Stay tuned for the final chapter of Truth or Dare With Kiss Book#33...➡️➡️

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