Chapter Thirty-Three

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(*Meanwhile, in the basement of the spare building...*)

Suzy: *giggles* My Foxy is going to be so surprised!

Eli: So is my Peter-bear! 😻

Me: Anubis and Gia are gonna be helping us out. But we have to make sure that they don't get too rough on the guys.

KellerSinger18: *giggles* Poor kitty cat Eric is gonna be a mess.

Vixen91: *walks in with multiple boxes of different colored glitter bombs* You girls ready yet?

Me: Let's put on these protective anti-glitter bombs armor so our nice clothes and hair won't get messy. And that goes for you too, Anubis.

Anubis: *is looking at the box of glitter bombs with curiosity* Yay! We gonna pwank (prank) Daddy!

Suzy: *laughs* That's right Anubis.

Me: *helps Anubis with putting on his protective anti glitter bombs armor, which is blue violet colored*

Eli: *is using her kitty cat senses to listen for Peter* The guys are getting anxious, so I think we should get this prank started.

Me: Let's do it! Anubis, you stay with me until I give the signal, okay?

Anubis: Okie Momma!

(*Back with the nine KISS guys*)

Paul: *can hear footsteps* Uh...guys? I think we've got company...

Eric Singer: *can feel KellerSinger18 coming close by*

Vinnie: *looks up and sees a blue-violet heart coming Anubis's KISSterian powers which is see through from the top floor* And my son is with Emily and the girls.

Eric Carr: What the schmuck is goin' on here?

Ace: OH MY GOD! LOOK OUT! 😱 *points his finger towards the stairs balcony*

All the other guys: Huh?!



(*The guys try to run away, but their feet are somehow stuck on the floor*)

Vinnie: What is going on here?!


Eric Singer: KellerSinger18! Help me! 🙀

Me: NOW!

(*The host, Anubis, Eli, Vixen91, KellerSinger18, and Suzy drop the different colored glitter bombs onto the nine KISS guys*)

(*LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of glitter splattered around everywhere*)


(*Betcha you didn't see that coming?*)

Stay tuned for Book#34 of Truth or Dare With KISS...➡️➡️➡️➡️



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