Chapter Three

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(*Emily, Suzy, and KellerSinger18, and Vixen91 are taking Anubis to visit Michael Jackson and his three children at the Neverland Valley ranch, while the Kiss guys are going shopping for the prefect valentine for Valentine's Day*)

Me: *is packing Anubis his bag with all the things he would need while he's having fun at Neverland*

Vinnie: *is getting Anubis ready for the day*

(*One hour later...*)

Me: Is everyone ready to go on the airplane? *is carrying Anubis in my arms because this is his first time flying on an airplane*

Everyone else: Yeah!

Me: Then, let's go!

(*All the Kiss guys, and the girls board the plane, and then they get to their seats*)

Anubis: *is starting to get scared and begins whining*

Eric Carr: Don't be scared, buddy. You're safe!

(*The host takes out a pair of wireless headphones and then uses my phone to let Anubis listen to music*)

Flight attendant: Mam'm, I'm afraid you'll have to put away your electric devices.

Me: *glares at the flight attendant* How about you go f (bleep!) yourself and leave my autistic child alone?

Flight attendant: Excuse me?! How dare you!

Gene: Lady, our friend has a child that has autism, and most children with autism have trouble in situations that are not familiar to them.

Flight attendant: We haven't even taken off yet, and you're already starting shit with me?!

Random guy in the back: SHUT UP you bi-(bleep!) and leave her alone!

Vinnie: *to the random guy in the back* Thank you! *glares at the flight attendant as she walks away with a huff*

Me: *lets Anubis listen to Michael Jackson's music and it helps him calm down* There we go, Anubis. You're gonna be okay.

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