Chapter Twenty-Two

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Host-I dare you to force the Catmen to dump a large bucket of green slime on Gene's head XD

Me: *snickers* This is gonna be so funny.

Peter: *chuckles* You know where we get the slime Eric?

Eric Singer: *winks* Sure do. Let's get going.

(*Meanwhile...Gene Simmons had just returned to the spare building after going out to a party with Paul*)

Peter: *helps Eric Singer with carrying the large bucket of green slime over to their hiding spot*

Eric Singer: *his cat ears perk up at the sound of heavy footsteps* *whispers* Gene's coming this way!

Gene: *walks towards the back door*

Eric Singer: Now!

(*Both Catmen dump the large bucket of green slime onto the Demon's head*)


*Everyone else can be heard laughing their butts off at what happened to Gene*

Ace: *cackles* HAHAHAHAHA! 😂 Good one Peter!

Paul: Holy cow! Gene, what in the name of Shandi happened to you?! 😱

Gene: *grumbles to himself* Those two dumped a huge load of green slime on my head. *points his finger at the Catmen*

KellerSinger18: *giggles* That was so funny, babe.

Eric Singer: *smiles* It was my pleasure, kitten.

Ace: *can't hold back his laughter*


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