Chapter Fifteen

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Paul-I challenge you to dump 900 pounds of 🍯 on the host 😈

Paul: *grins mischievously* This is will be fun and a little payback.

(*Paul Stanley goes to the kitchen and grabs a jar of fresh honey from the cabinet and then gets out the cloning machine so he can clone the 🍯 900 times*)

Me: *is talking with Suzy and KellerSinger18 about the wedding* So, I was thinking about it, and we could like—-AAAAAAAH! 😖 *gets covered in lots of 🍯

Suzy: STANLEY EISEN! What the heck was that for?! *is also covered in honey* 😠

KellerSinger18: Now, I'm all sticky! *is covered in honey as well* 😣

Vinnie: Oh my Anubis! What happened to you, Emily? 😱

Me: *points my finger at the Starchild* It was his fault that I'm covered in honey. He dumped it on me! 😧

Vinnie: *glares at Paul while cursing hieroglyphics* 😡

Paul: *backs away from Vinnie nervously* I'm screwed...

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