Chapter Twenty-Four

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Me: Well, since me and Vinnie were pretty busy on Easter Sunday, I was thinking about letting Anubis hunt for Easter eggs.

Suzy: Awww! That's so sweet of you Emily.

Me: *giggles* It sure is Suzy! And you knuckleheads are going to help me hide the eggs while Vinnie helps Anubis get ready for his first Easter egg hunt.

All nine of the KISS guys (except for Vinnie): Okay Emily!

Paul: I painted some of the eggs last night. And they're hard-boiled so we won't have to worry about Anubis accidentally dropping and breaking them.

Me: Aww! Can we see them? Pretty please Starchild?!

Ace: *speaks in the same way I just spoke* Yeah, pweeety pweeese Starchild?

(*Everyone else laughs at how funny Ace was acting*)

Paul: Sure! I'll go get them from my bedroom.

(*The Starchild teleports to his bedroom in a purple-colored aurora*)

Anubis: *looks around confused at how Paul disappeared* Mama? Paulie gone!

Me: *giggles* Aw, it's okay Anubis. Your Uncle Starchild just used his KISSterian powers to teleports himself to his bedroom so he can get something that we needed.

Anubis: *his blue-violet aurora from his KISSterian symbol that's on his right shoulder begins to glow, and then somehow he managed to teleports himself off to who knows where*

Vinnie: OH MY GOD! 😱 Where did he go?

Me: I don't know Vinnie! *looks around the living room for Anubis to see if he's hiding*

Vixen91: He's way too young to be learning how to use his KISSterian powers, right Tommy?

Tommy: Yes, he's definitely not old enough to be doing that kind of stuff.

Me: *is starting to freak out and begins to call out for Anubis* Anubis! Where did you go?!

Ace: He must have saw what Paul did and wanted to try that out for himself! ACK!

(*At that moment, a limousine pulls up into the driveway of the spare building and then, the king of pop Michael Jackson himself walks over to the front door*)

Michael Jackson: *knocks on the front door* Hello! Is anyone home?

Vixen91: *runs over to the front door and opens it* Oh, hello Michael

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Vixen91: *runs over to the front door and opens it* Oh, hello Michael. *hugs MJ* It's so good to see you. 😃

Michael Jackson: *giggles and hugs Vixen91 back* Hi everyone!

Eric Carr: Heyyyy Michael, what's up man?

Michael Jackson: My chewdren had to stay home from school because their teacher tested positive for COVID-19. I have to keep them safe so they won't get sick, too.

Suzy: Aw, the poor things! At least, you're doing the right thing by keeping them home.

Michael Jackson: Yes, that's exactly right. 🙂

Me: *rushes in all of a sudden, and then sees Michael Jackson* MICHAEL, YOU'VE GOTTA HELP US! 😨

Michael Jackson: Whoa whoa, slow down there, Emily. Tell me what's wrong. 😅

Me: Okay, earlier today when Paul Stanley used his KISSterian powers to teleport himself to his bedroom to get the Easter eggs that he painted for Anubis to go on his first Easter egg hunt. And then, Anubis somehow figured out to teleport himself to who knows where and now, we can't find him anywhere! 🥺

Michael Jackson: Oh my goodness. How did he do that? 😲

Tommy : We have no idea. Even Gene or I can't figure it out.

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