Chapter Nine

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(*Vinnie Vincent is out shopping with Eric Carr, and Anubis is with them, and they're coming back later*)

Me: *bursts into the gymnasium* GUYS!

Paul: WHOA! *accidentally falls down backwards as he was sitting on one of the bleachers*

Eric Singer: You okay Paul?

Paul: Yeah, I'm fine. *gets back up on his feet.

Tommy: What's new Emily?

Me: I just wrote a new song!

Gene: *grins* Wow, that's pretty cool.

Paul: Can we hear it?

Me: Sure!

(*The host snaps her fingers and a guitar appears, along with a tape recorder that has the new song*)

Me: A one...and a two...and a three!


Your unfeeling heart imprisons me
Careless eyes, too blind to see
Empty words, an iron cage
Broken heart, bleeding rage

Can't wait for you and me
It's time I break free

Trap of love
Snared by desire
Trap of love
Burned by your fire
Trap of love
Snared by desire
Trap of love
Beware the trap of love

Let me be, it's time we part
Set me free, uncage my heart
Can't wait for you and me
It's time for you to see

Trap of love
Snared by desire
Trap of love
Burned by your fire
Trap of love
Snared by desire
Trap of love
Beware the trap of love...

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