chapter 1

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third person POV

"Delilah lets go!" Madeline called up the stairs to her daughter. Delilah closed her book "Aristotle and Dontae discover the secrets of the universe" throwing it on her bed. she came rushing down the stairs with her hockey bag trailing behind her. She was wearing ripped mom jeans with a black shirt and a flannel, with her thick dark brown hair in two French braids so no one could see the big frizzy, tangled in desperate need to be washed hair because she had gone surfing earlier that day. "I'm coming I'm coming!" Delilah yelled as she ran down the stairs. Her and her mother walked out the door and put her bag in the trunk of her moms black BMW then got in the car and put on her seatbelt as Madeline drove out of their drive way.

Delilah POV

"Bye momma" I said as I got out of my mothers car.

"Bye amor"

I walked into the arena and was greeted by my best friend Camron, I've known him ever since i was on my first hockey team.

"Hey Carolina" he said to me as I walked in. Carolina was my first name and Delilah was my middle name, I never had a problem with my first name but my dad always called me Delilah because it was his moms name and he liked it and it just stuck. Only some people call my by my first name.

"Hey cam" I said. "Hey who's that guy?" I said pointing at a guy talking to coach taylor who's wearing a jacket that said 'Hendrix' (Idk how to spell it but you get it) jeans, dress shoes, and had gray hair that was balding in the back. He was also kinda short maybe "5'6? "5'7? anyways.

I walked out of the locker room with my hockey gear on and my stick in my hand and got on the ice leaning my stick angst the wall and started to do laps with another girl on my team Lilly. That same guy and coach were talking and they would sometimes point at me. coach started practice after giving the guy a piece of paper. that guy just stat in the Stans for half of practice, made a phone call then left.
The rest of practice was pretty boring we did brills and a scrimmage

When I walked out of the arena after practice I saw my dads white Mercedes waiting for me, i walked over to the car and opened the trunk.

"Hey dad" I said as I opened the trunk to put my stuff in

"Hi Honey. how was practice?"

"It was good but there was this weird guy there for like half of practice." I told my dad

"maybe he was a scout?" my dad suggested.

"Yeah, mabey"

When we pulled in to the driveway my dad parked the car and I got out and got my bad from the back.

"I'm back" I stated as I walked into the house instantly getting hit with the smell of my moms chocolate chip cookies which are amazing by the way.

"oooo momma did you make cookies?" I asked as I walked in

"Yes I did who's your favorite momma?" she asked me

"Your the only mom I've had?" I said confused

My mom gave me a warning look making me say: "your my favorite momma" I mumbled under my breath nerves.

"Oh I got a call while you where at practice" my mom told me and my mind instantly went to the balding guy at practice.

"Who was it from?" I asked

"It was a man named Don Tibbles" My mom said, I laughed at the name, and my mom ignored me and continued "He wanted to invite you to be on team USA hockey for the junior good will games! how exciting is that?!" My mom said Excited. I was so shocked all I could do is let out a huge gasp

"wait really?" I questioned quietly
"you don't have to do it if you don't want to, just do want you want to baby." my mom said,
"are you crazy? of course i'm doing it, where is it?"
" California" my dad said smiling
"when do i go?" I asked
"your flight is on thursday, mr tibbles said all we have to do is call and he'll arrange everything" my mom said.
"Does Theo know?" I asked about my older brother
"no do you want to tell him?" my dad asked me
"yes" I said as I ran upstairs

"OHHHHHHH THEOOOOOOO" I sang as I bursted through the door of my brothers room with my hands in the air.
"what?" Theo asked me annoyed about my big entry.
"I'm going to be on team USA hockey for the junior Good Will games in LA!" I told my brother
"that's great Carolina now i'll have the house all to myself when mom and dad aren't home." Theo said with a chuckle.
"oh yeah right, I'm gone way more then you, you literally do collage like 15 minutes away from out house then come home and sleep, get some bitches"
"ok one off topic and two that hurt, i do more then just sleep... i get bitches sometimes" he said mumbling that last part. "anyways when do you leave dip shit?"
" i leave on thursday, so i'm gonna go pack."
"i'll  help you i guess ." Theo said as he got out of the bed.
For the next hour Theo and I pack a good amount of stuff but i still need to do my laundry and my mom and I would be going shopping tomorrow for clothes and other stuff i'll need.. Then around 6 me and my family ate dinner then I took a shower and finally washed my hair, did my night routine then plugged in my phone and went to bed.

This chapter was kinda short but it's because I did a lot of it on my phone lol. i'm kinda busy this week bc my basketball session is ending on saturday but when basketball is over i won't be so busy. make sure to eat and drink water.
word count: 1036

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