chapter 6

382 5 3

3rd person POV

"Ladies and gentle men team USA hockey" Mr Tibbles said making everyone in the crowd clap for the team on a podium in front of some stand type thing with lots of microphones. "And the man chosen to lead them to the gold: Gordon Bombay." Tibbles said causing more clapping from the people watching them. "Bring the bear up here, this is Henry the Hendrix bear."

"HELLO!" The person in the bear costume yelled to everyone.

"Guys I want to come in and get some shots with the bear, ok" Tibbles instructed stepping off the podium. "Big wave! Big wave! Wave to everyone!" Tibbles barked again.

"Hello everybody!" The bear said waving to everyone.

"This guy Tibbles is trying too hard sometimes to honest." Ken whispered into Carolina's ear. She giggled and nodded in responses to the boy that was standing close to her.

"Okay we're open to questions. Yes?" Tibbles said pointing to a woman in a blue blouse causing her to stand up.

"Team U.S.A, how does it feel to be competing on international level here in LA?" The woman asked the kids.

"Um-" Bombay started but was soon interrupted by the team.

"Love it."

"Feels great!"

"Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite and their coach has already garnered victory. How are you gonna handle them?" A woman in a pink shirt said.

"Umm... hard work I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world we aren't scared of 'em. Iceland may be tough, but we're team U.S.A and we're going all the way." Bombay answered making people cheer and Tibbles to give him a thumbs up.

"Team U.S.As going down. That's where you're going." A man said making Delilahs heart drop to the floor. She knew that voice anywhere, it was her moms cousin: Hector. she always just called him 'uncle H' She was kinda close with him but she didn't want him to be coaching one of the teams she had to play! I mean the guy was in the NHL for crying out loud! And she knew how dirty he played, him and her dad where the ones that taught her and her brother how to play hockey and let's just say he didn't teach the nicest things.

"See you on the ice Bombay!" Stansson yelled pulling Delilah out of her trance making her look up at him for the first time and she made eye contact with him. He nodded him head towards her and she just simply smiled back slightly she heard people talking but she wasn't listening she was just looking at him.

She suddenly started walking when connie grabbed her hand pulling her away. She walked with her hand in Connies so she would'e get lost in the big crowd back to her, connie and Julies dorm room.


Later that night Ken, Luis and Goldberg had some how convinced Delilah to help prank Dwayne. so here she was now kneeling on the floor next to Luis at the edge of Dwayne bed giggling quietly with everyone else as Dwayne snored.

"Shhh do it quiet." Goldberg said to Kenny.

"Alright let me get the hand." Goldberg said gently taking Dwaynes hand and flipping it so the palm was exposed as Ken shook the can of shaving cream.

"Hurry." Ken said like an excited 5 year old on Christmas morning.

"I'm hurrying! SHH!" Goldberg whisper shouted at him. "Go ahead" Goldberg said making Ken place shaving cream in Dwaynes hand.

"Okay that's good, Feather." He said nodding his head at the cowboy hat Dwayne had hanging on the wall that had a feather on it. Delilah took the hat off the bed and handed Luis the Feather then she proceeded to put the hat on her head and she quit liked it to be honest.

Luis tickled Dwaynes face with the feather making him take his hand and wipe all the shaving cream on his face.

"Shh" Goldberg told everyone because they all including him self started laughing. This all went on for about 5 minute and Dwaynes face was covered in shaving cream and all of them were practically dying from having to stop them selves from laughing their ass's off. They soon heard loud punk rock music coming from down the hall. Ken looked around the room and soon met Delilahs eyes,

"dean and Fulton." She whispered after a second with a looked of realization on her face when she realized where it was coming from.

The two went back to laughing quietly as possible with the other two at the sight of Dwaynes whole face covered in shaving cream as well as a lot on his blanket. His eyes soon shot open when he felt Goldbergs body shake the bed he was sleeping in. he blew the shaving cream out of his mouth confused of what was going on, Luis, Ken, Goldie, and Delilah soon burst out laughing completely when they saw his face.

"What's goin' on?!" He shouted in utter confusion, he looked at his hands and then soon jumped up out of bed running after them as they where losing their shit. 

"Come on!" Delilah shouted opening the door for the three boys to follow her. The four ran down the hall way as fast as they could to the dorm the girls where staying in. Delilah quickly unlocked the door and let the boys in and then followed them. they where all yelling and kinda slammed the door so they woke up the other girls.

"What the hell!?"connie shouted as she turned on the lights.

"Well you see, we pranked Dwayne when he was sleeping and he woke up an-" Delilah was trying to explain to connie what was going on but was soon interrupted by Luis.

"what the fuck!? Your room is so god damn nice!" He said looking around, it was true. they had a bigger room then the other ones, they each had their own twin sized bed, (no bunk beds like the others had) lined up against one of the walls with two bed side tables on each side of the middle bed. A big TV on the other wall with a ton of drawers underneath where the girls put all of their stuff. A desk on one of the sides of the bid drawer thing then a pullout couch on the other side. by the door their was a entrance with a curve so you couldn't see into the room that led to a big bathroom that had a counter with three sinks, a huge mirror, a big bathtub, a nice shower, and then a tiny little room for the toilet.

"I guess they just like us more." Julie said not getting up from the middle bed where she slept.

"As Delilah was saying, now Dwayne is chasing us so can we please stay here tonight?" Ken asked giving Connie puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. the pull out is over by Delilahs bed." Connie said turning the lights off and going back to bed.

Delilah walked over to the end of the room where her bed was and over the the couch. she started taking off all the cushions then pulled out the the bottom of the couch making it a bed. she walked over to a cabinet and pulled out some blankets and some pillows and put them on the bed.

"Ok, don't snore, look at us, make lots of noise, use our bathroom, and just go right to sleep. got it?" 

"Yes Ma'am." The boys all said together and got in bed.

"Goodnight Carolina." Ken whispered to the girl before getting in bed.

"Goodnight Kenny." She whispered only loud enough for him to hear.

"I thought you said no talking?!" Luis shouted from bed with an attitude.

"Shut up Luis!!" Everyone in the room shouted together. 


hey guys.......... ik I took this down for awhile but its bc I wasn't feeling motivated to update and I felt really bad. but I thought about this story a lot and don't want to abandon it so I'm back. I did change a few things in the other chapters tho. Love you!!

word count: 1342 (omg short af ikkkk 😫)

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