chapter 10

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3rd Person POV

The next morning for the whole team was hell. eveyone was sore and exhausted from the night before and the three hour practice after the game didnt help much eathier. Charlie was having an exceptionally hard time because the man he had seen as a father for about a year and a half, had turned in to an absolute stuck up, snobby, moody, sour puss, dick.

"Hey connie where'd you put the Tylenol? my head is still pounding." Delilah called out from the bathroom to her friend.

"Next to my toiletry bag." Connie said walking into the bathroom.

"Oh" Delilah said in surprise and steping back a little when she suddenly felt a warm hand on her forehead.

"Are you sure you should be going to class? you feel a little warm." Connie said concerned.

"Eh, I'm fine my head always feels warm." Delilah explained while putting two Tylenols in her mouth and swallowing with water.

"And you hands are always cold?" Connie questioned.

"Well I do happen to have an iron deficiency."

"aren't you supossed to take like medicatinton for that?" Connie asked following Delilah out of the bathroom.

"yeah, I have the medaction I just never take it." Delilah said causing connie to roll her eyes.

Delilah put on jean shorts, a white wife better tank top, gray zip up, long white nike socks and Birkenstocks. (slay basic queen)

"Ok you guys ready?" julie asked the two other girls.

"Yeah lets go." Connie said and all three of them linked arms and walked to the elevators.

When they got there Adam, Jessie, Ken, Dwayne, Luis, Goldberg and Charlie where already there.

"Oh top of the mornin' to ya." Adam said in some horrible accent to the girls when they got to the elevators.

"Adam, for the love of god shut up." Delilah said annoyed.

"I-" Adam tried to say but was too flabbergasted to say anything.

"honestly how do you have so much energy after last night?" Julie chimed in.

"Oh I don't, I just live by ' fake it till you make it.'" Adam announced to the group as they walked in to the elevator.

"So you feeling any better Delilah?" Adam tried to start a conversation after being in the elevator for a minute.

"Yeah." Delilah bluntly said, she was too tired to speak and was certain everyone else was too. they soon landed on the floor they needed to be on and walked to the class room.

After about 45 minutes of class delilah had her sweatshirt scrunched up in a ball to act like a pillow and was leaning forward to rest her head on and was sleeping, Ken was laying his head on her back and fighing to stay awake, luis was resting his head on his desk sleeping, Julie was trying to pay attention, and everyone else had a tired, blank expresstion on the face looking forward or resting theyre head somewhere.

Miss Makay walked over to Luis and lighty shook him.

"Not my best..." He mumbled.

"Luis." Miss Makay squatted down a little to actually wake him.

"Sorry." He said looking at her.

"Okay thats it, your practice is canceled, and class is dismissed." Miss Makay said walking up to the front of the class making everyone slightly cheer and get up.

"Everyone go back to your rooms and rest, you need it."

"delilah wake up." Ken lightly shook the girl he was laying on.

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