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005. ❛ rejection hurts.

"YOU SURE ABOUT this, Scott?" Steve asked, concern etched on his face. He couldn't help but hope for a plan where nobody would end up losing their lives.

Scott chuckled nervously, attempting to ease the tension in the air. "I do it all the time. I mean once... in a lab. Then I passed out." His feeble attempt at reassurance only seemed to amplify the unease among the group. He muttered words of encouragement to himself, "I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss," Scott's body grew exponentially, towering over the others, and with an almost childlike glee, he grabbed War Machine's leg.

"Oh, scheiße! (oh shit!)" Diana exclaimed as her wide eyes looked up at Scott, who was as tall as a building. Sensing the chaos about to unfold, Diana decided it was her cue to make her exit. Casting a final glance at the super soldiers engaged in the imminent battle, she sprinted away, discarding her intercom and willing herself to ignore the escalating fight as she disappeared into the distance.

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Wanda's piercing screams of pain. Diana's eyes darted back to the scene unfolding behind her. War Machine loomed behind the young woman, firing a sonic disruptor that threatened to crumble the tower atop Steve and Bucky. Miraculously, the tower held its ground, allowing the two friends to slide beneath it and find refuge in the hangar just before the barrier broke.

With swift precision, the Black Cat flung a rope adorned with two sparkling diamonds. It wrapped around War Machine's neck, tugging him forcefully to the ground. Diana watched with a satisfied grin as the weight of the diamonds dragged him down, immobilizing him temporarily and allowing Wanda to regain her composure.

Peter, ever the agile and quick-witted hero, redirected everyone's attention to the giant figure of Ant-Man. "Hey, guys, you ever see that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back?" Peter's voice crackled through his intercom.

"Jesus, Tony, how old is this guy?"

"I don't know; I didn't carbon date him. He's on the young side."

Peter swung through the air, his webs coiling skillfully around Ant-Man's massive legs. "You know that part where they're on the snow planet... with the walking thingies?!" he called out, his excitement palpable as he executed his plan.

"Maybe the kid's on to something," Stark commented.

"High now, Tony. Go high." Rhodey instructed, a sense of urgency in his tone.

Spider-Man continued his acrobatic maneuvers, spinning around and around Ant-Man's legs as Iron Man and War Machine closed in on the colossal opponent's head. "Yes! That was awesome!" he exclaimed, reveling in the adrenaline-fueled spectacle.

However, a sudden, wild flail of Ant-Man's limb caught Spider-Man off guard, forcefully knocking him to the ground. Diana, witnessing the unexpected blow, furrowed her brow with concern. She quickly averted her gaze and resumed her rapid retreat from the chaotic scene, desperately searching for a safe haven to regroup and gather her thoughts.

IT WAS THE FOLLOWING DAY, and Diana decided to pay her poor excuse of a father a visit. Never in a million years did she think she would even be back in Germany, but it seems fate willed it so.

So after taking a long and refreshing sleep, Diana found herself standing outside a run-down apartment building in Germany, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. It had been years since she had seen her father, and the memories of their last encounter still haunted her. But she hoped that this time would be different—that perhaps they could find a way to mend the broken pieces of their relationship.

Taking a deep breath, Diana climbed the stairs to her father's apartment. As she approached the door, the sound of muffled voices and clinking bottles reached her ears. She hesitated for a moment, her hand poised to knock, bracing herself for what lay on the other side. 

With a trembling hand, she finally rapped on the door. It swung open, revealing a disheveled man with bloodshot eyes, swaying unsteadily on his feet. It was her father, a mere shadow of the man she once knew.

His once lustrous blonde hair now hung in disheveled strands, unkempt and streaked with gray. Deep lines etched across his weathered face, evidence of a life filled with hardships and regrets. His piercing green eyes, once vibrant and full of life, now held a dullness that reflected his inner turmoil.

His once strong and muscular frame had withered, giving way to a slouched posture and a worn-out physique. His clothes, once smart and well-tailored, now hung loosely on his form, a stark contrast to the vibrant suits he used to wear.

Despite his physical deterioration, the remnants of his handsome features could be seen in the sharp angles of his jawline and the chiseled contours of his face. And in his eyes, though dulled with disappointment, there lingered a hint of the charm and charisma that had once drawn people to him.

"Papi," Diana whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of longing and apprehension.

He glared at her through bleary eyes; his words slurred as he spat out his response. "What are you doing here, Diana? I thought I told you to stay away."

Her heart sank at his cold reception, but she refused to back down. "I came all this way to see you. I thought maybe we could... talk."

He scoffed, taking a swig from the half-empty bottle in his hand. "Talk? What's there to talk about? You're just like your brother—nothing but trouble. You ruined everything."

Something in her chest broke, broke so violently that she wondered if it was possible for no one to have heard it.

The words cut deep, reopening wounds that had never fully healed. Diana felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she fought against them, unwilling to let her father see her vulnerability. She took a step forward, her voice trembling with a mix of hurt and desperation.

"I didn't ruin everything, Papi. I tried so hard to make you proud, to be the daughter you wanted. But I can't change the past. I can only try to make things right now."

He laughed bitterly, the sound grating on her ears. "Make things right? It's too late for that. Your mother... she died because of you. If it weren't for you and your damn brother, she'd still be alive."

"You don't understand," she whispered, her voice barely audible as she tried to keep her composure. After all, nothing cut deeper than a parent not wanting their child. "I loved her too, Papi. I would have done anything to protect her. I would have given my life."

Her father's eyes softened for a brief moment, but it was quickly replaced by a stubborn resolve. "It's too late for apologies."

"Papi, bitte... (dad, please...)" Diana begged, her lips quivering as her eyes softened, her hands wringing together.

The man closed her eyes and looked away from the young girl, "Just leave. I told you I don't want to see you anymore."

Diana's breath hitched, and she watched as her father slammed the door shut. She flinched ever so slightly,
letting out a barely noticeable sob.

Diana felt her walls crumbling as she turned away, unable to bear the weight of his rejection any longer. Tears spilled down her cheeks, a mixture of sorrow and frustration. She had hoped for reconciliation, but instead, she was met with more pain.

With a heavy heart, Diana walked away from her father's apartment, the echoes of their shattered relationship haunting her steps. With anger slowly replacing the sadness, Diana wiped her tears away and stuffed her hands in her pockets.

She didn't sob or wail anymore. Her grief was horribly discreet at this point but as persistent and almost as silent as bleeding from an unstitched wound.

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now