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019. ❛ under the sea.

LAYING IN BED, SNUGGLED under five blankets with her window open, Diana watched the one movie that always brought her comfort and happiness no matter how she felt: Disney's The Little Mermaid.

It had been a week since Washington, and she had to return to school tomorrow. It's not like that would help her feel better since she was suspended from her team, had so many pending assignments, and had detention with Peter for, like, ever.

As the song Under The Sea started to play, Diana immediately got out of bed, wrapped a blanket around her body, picked up the TV volume, and grabbed a hairbrush. Ready to put on a show for absolutely no one.

"The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake." Diana sang loudly as she climbed on top of her bed, having the time of her life.

"You dream about going up there," Diana copied Sebastian's moves and pointed at Ariel on her TV screen, "But that is a big mistake."

"Just look at the world around you," Diana motioned to her slightly messy loft, "Right here on the ocean floor."

She heard a noise by her window but ignored it and got ready for her big musical number, "Such wonderful things around you. What more are you lookin' for?!"

Sitting on the fire escape, Spider-Man tore off his mask and smiled as he heard the girl singing and just being herself without anyone watching. It always amazed him how carefree she could be sometimes.

He had planned on cheering her up, knowing that they both were gonna have one hell of a school day tomorrow, and showed up with ice cream and other snacks. So he sat on Diana's fire escape with a grin and hummed along to the familiar tune.

"One day when the boss get hungry," Diana started as she grabbed a second hairbrush. "Guess who gon' be on the plate?"

Peter finally decided to swing into the loft and set the snacks down but was met with a hairbrush being hurled at his face. He caught it quickly and looked at the girl with wide eyes as she pulled him to stand on her bed.

"I knew you were there, Pete. So, since you're here, join me." Diana commanded and threw off her blanket, showing a large, oversized Spider-Man pajama shirt and dark blue sweatpants.

Peter grinned down at her outfit and raised an eyebrow at the girl.

She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the movie, "Shut up and sing with me."

"Under the sea! Under the sea! Nobody beat us, fry us and eat us in fricassee." Diana and Peter sang harmoniously and had the time of their lives, dancing and singing on Diana's bed.

Diana grabbed Peter's hand and danced with him on the bed to the upbeat melody, laughing and swinging each other around with nothing but love and happiness radiating off each other.

"That's why it's hotter under the water." Diana sang first, then pointed at Peter for him to finish the line.

"Yeah, we in luck here down in the muck here." Peter continued until they both sang the closing number.

"Under the sea!"

They both panted heavily out of breath as the movie's monologue continued in the background. Diana turned to face a very happy Peter and threw a punch straight at his nose.

Peter's head swung back as he swore under his breath; he stumbled back and nearly fell off the bed. He held his throbbing nose tightly, he may have had super strength, but that girl packed one hell of a punch. "Hey! What the hell was that for?"

"Sneaking up on me, you asshole," Diana stated as if it was obvious before her eyes caught the little tub of chocolate ice cream. Her eyes lit up with childlike excitement, "Ooh, you brought chocolate."

She ran over to the little brown tub and pulled out a disposable spoon from the bag. She opened it and took a spoonful. Her eyes fluttered close in delight, "Okay, you're forgiven, Pete."

Peter shook his head and plopped down on the girl's messy bed, grumbling under his breath yet again, "You're a bipolar, maniacal chocoholic, you know that?"

Diana looked up with a spoonful of chocolate in her mouth, wishing she could get lost in his whiskey-colored eyes. "Hmm? Sorry, I didn't catch that."

Peter shook his head and cuddled under the five blankets as the cold wind flew in through Diana's large open windows; it was safe to say the Spider-Man suit did little to shield him from the cold. He pulled the blankets up to his nose and looked at the girl with a smile, "Nothing. Come on, bring the ice cream, and let's finish the movie."

So, there the two lay, snuggled under blankets and making funny impressions of all the different characters in the movie. Diana swore Peter was actually Ursula with how good his impressions were. The fact that Diana lived completely alone flew over Peter's head, and he just tried to live in the moment.

At some point during the movie, Diana grabbed an old-fashioned camera and recorded the both of them having fun and just being kids. Knowing she'd be able to watch that one day in the future and remember specific moments made her very happy.

Both vigilantes had come to an agreement that they would both carry cameras from now on and just film anything and everything because why not?

As the movie's end credits rolled, Diana sat up on the bed with hair just as messy as Peter's. "Wanna watch Tangled next? I just know your Mother Gothel impressions are hilarious."

"Of course," Peter nodded happily, "As long as I see your Flynn Rider impressions."

Diana smiled contently before scanning his appearance, "Deal. But first, change out of your suit; it's most likely dirty, and I do not want that on my bed." She ushered him out of her bed and grabbed his extra pair of clothes that he brought in the snack bag, and pushed him towards her bathroom.

Peter smirked playfully as he continued to walk backwards into the bathroom, "What's wrong? You don't like my scandalous outfit? I'm sure I look dashing."

Diana threw the boy a deadpan look, "Yes, absolutely dashing. Now change."

𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 , peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now